Scripts for Program Optimization Advice Exploration infrastructure
- Clone this repository
- QaaS container-less installation (prefered mode)
- Provides QaaS Command-Line Interface (CLI) running mode
- Follow QaaS CLI run mode for instructions
- QaaS container installation (experimental)
- Provides the following components
- QaaS Web Front (GUI+DB)
- Extractor Scripts
- To install, run
script. The script will automatically do the following things:- Build local container image
- Run scripts under different components of QaaS scripts.
- Provides the following components
- Container-less run mode
cd qaas-backplane/src
./ <run options>
- Follow QaaS CLI run mode to get more details
- Container run mode
- Start container
cd container
- Run Demo script
cd ../scripts
- Start container
Follow Run QaaS Web Front section of QaaS Web document.
Follow Using the Loop Extractor section of Loop Extractor document.
Follow Container maintance section of container document.
Below table capture current script developement status for different environments and different components. In the table there are diffferent status level:
- Working : Our implementation has been working for various use cases.
- Under development : Our implementation work is in progress so not likely to work but we are working on that.
- To support : Little or no implementation has been done.
Environment | Backplane | Web and database | App Mutator (Locus) | Loop Extractor |
Container-less | Working | To support | To support | To support |
Container (Docker) | Under development | Working | Under development | Working |
Container (Podman) | Under development | To support | To support | To support |