Adds text-objects for word-based columns in Vim.
inkarkat / vim-scripts
Forked from hdima/vim-scriptsMisc Vim scripts
inkarkat / vim-json
Forked from elzr/vim-jsonCustomization on Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven's vim-json highlighting script. Pathogen friendly.
inkarkat / vim-diff-toggle
Forked from twe4ked/vim-diff-toggleVim plugin to speed up editing diff files
inkarkat / ccase.vim
Forked from vim-scripts/ccase.vimScript to setup maps/menus to add in using Clearcase.
inkarkat / file-line
Forked from bogado/file-linePlugin for vim to enabling opening a file in a given line
inkarkat / SyntaxAttr.vim
Forked from vim-scripts/SyntaxAttr.vimShow syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor.
elzr / vim-json
Forked from leshill/vim-jsonA better JSON for Vim: distinct highlighting of keywords vs values, JSON-specific (non-JS) warnings, quote concealing. Pathogen-friendly.
inkarkat / vim-localrc
Forked from thinca/vim-localrcEnable configuration file of each directory.
Converts Arabic numerals to English
🛠 Vim plugin to speed up editing diff files
inkarkat / nerdcommenter
Forked from preservim/nerdcommenterVim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting
inkarkat / vim-unimpaired
Forked from tpope/vim-unimpairedunimpaired.vim: pairs of handy bracket mappings
inkarkat / AutoFenc.vim
Forked from vim-scripts/AutoFenc.vimTries to automatically detect file encoding
inkarkat / swapit
Forked from mjbrownie/swapitvim plugin: Extensible Keyword Swapper
inkarkat / visualctrlg.vim
Forked from tyru/visualctrlg.vimReport info about selected text (*no longer updated, just use g<C-g> in visual mode!*)
inkarkat / vim-smartword
Forked from kana/vim-smartwordVim plugin: Smart motions on words
inkarkat / vim-repeat
Forked from tpope/vim-repeatrepeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."
CVS/SVN/SVK/git/hg/bzr integration plugin. This is a fork of Bob Hiestand's original repository at in order to submit patches and enhancements to upstream.
inkarkat / argtextobj.vim
Forked from vim-scripts/argtextobj.vimText-object like motion for arguments
Report info about selected text (*no longer updated, just use g<C-g> in visual mode!*)
Plugin for vim to enabling opening a file in a given line
Enable configuration file of each directory.
Script to setup maps/menus to add in using Clearcase.
Tries to automatically detect file encoding
Text-object like motion for arguments
Converts Arabic numerals to English
Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor.