Secure incentive scheme for Internet of Things data sharing
Pre-Requisites - Ubuntu Machine with Brigde Network (to be visible from the host machine) - Windows Machine with Visual 2015
DEPLOY Multichain NODE on LINUX Machine
Folder structure after completing the deploy process: This4That -multichain-1.0-alpha-29 -config-server -multichain-explorer-master
Get Multichain software Get Multichain Version 1.0 alpha 29 tar -xvzf multichain-1.0-alpha-29.tar.gz
Create a blockchain (the chain name, This4ThatChain, can be changed)
./multichain-util create This4ThatChain -datadir=config-server
Goto Config-Server\This4ThatChain\params.dat Annotate 'default-network-port' and 'default-rpc-port'
Launch the Blockchain node
sudo ./multichaind This4ThatChain -datadir=config-server -daemon
NOTE: if you want to shutdown the node, enter the following command: sudo ./multichain-cli This4ThatChain -datadir=config-server stop
NOTES: Any trouble during the setup, consult the README file on
Get Multichain Explorer zip
Install dependencies sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev sudo apt-get install python-dev sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install --upgrade pip sudo pip install pycrypto
Install Multichain Explorer fo the current user: cd multichain-explorer python install --user
Configure Multichain.conf cd config-server\This4ThatChain grep rpc params.dat echo "rpcport=" >> multichain.conf
Edit Multichain Explorer config file cd multichain-explorer cp chain1.example.conf chain1.conf Uncomment host change dirname to the directory to the blockchain (ex: ~/This4That/multichain-1.0-alpha-29/config-server/This4ThatChain)
Load Blockchain into explorer (make sure that Multichain dameon is running) cd multichain-explorer python -m Mce.abe --config chain1.conf --commit-bytes 10000 --no-serve
Launch the web-server python -m Mce.abe --config chain1.conf
THIS4THAT CLIENT - Windows Client
Connect client node to This4ThatNode \This4That-serverNode\multichain-core: multichaind.exe This4ThatChain@[linuxIpAddress>]:[port] -datadir=.\config-client NOTE: annotate the multichain address
Allow Multichain Node to connect (execute on Linux Machine) multichain-cli This4ThatChain -datadir=config-server grant 17mBvGunRhzHkn1w4KtZM1jygPHhGxeks9vLFo connect,send,receive,mine,admin NOTE: the address (17...LFo) is presented in the console after the This4ThatNode tries to connect to the blockchain
Connect the client node to This4ThatNode start multichaind.exe This4ThatChain@[linuxIpAddress]:[port] -datadir=.\config-client NOTE: now the node must connect to the Linux node
Go to the This4That-serverNode\multichain-core\config-client and edit the chain_parameters.xml: Change [port] according to the [default-rpc-port] defined in \config-client\This4ThatChain\params.dat Change [username] and [password] according to file \config-client\This4That\multichain.conf Change [ChainName] according to the blockchain name
Now the it just launch the Start on Visual Studio to start Thi4That Application.
NOTE: When the application start the console application asks to press any key to continue. Just press any key after the This4That Web-server load the content.
- Example of API commands, after console complete the loading process. Use POSTMAN application to invoke HTTP requests:
Import POSTMAN collection with a set of pre-defined requests: Link: