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Motiondevelopment SDK for Discord.JS

This is an SDK package for interacting with the Motiondevelopment API using Discord.JS. The package includes a set of tools to easily perform API requests, such as posting server count, fetching information about bots, and receiving hasVoted responses.


API Reference | Github | NPM | Discord Server


To use the Motiondevelopment SDK, you will need:

  • A Motiondevelopment API key. You can find your api token at and clicking on the "Show" button.
  • Your Discord.js bot ID.
  • Your bot approved on Motiondevelopment
  • At least Node.JS@18 installed on your machine
  • At least Discord.JS V14 installed on your machine


To install the Motiondevelopment SDK, simply run the following command in your terminal:

npm install


Posting server count

We have simplified the process of posting server count to Motiondevelopment. That's why we have created a class called "AutoPoster". This class will automatically post your server count to Motiondevelopment every 15 minutes. (The interval cannot be changed at the moment.)

Below is a full example:

//Your Discord.JS Client
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();// Fill in your intents

//motionbotlist SDK
const AutoPoster = require('');
//create a new instance of AutoPoster
const autoPoster = new AutoPoster('your_motiondevelopment_api_key', client);

    client.on('ready', () => {
            //post the server count
          autoPoster.postGuildCount().then(() => {
              console.log('Posted server count!');
          }).catch((error) => {
              //handle error if it could not log the message
        } catch (err) {
            //handle error if the AutoPoster was unable to post guild count.
            console.error(err.message, err.status);

//Your bot token

Fetching bot information

To fetch information about a bot on Motiondevelopment, you can use the "InfoGetter". Below is a full example:

//Your Discord.JS Client
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();// Fill in your intents

//motionbotlist SDK
const InfoGetter = require('');
//create a new instance of InfoGetter
const infoGetter = new InfoGetter('your_motiondevelopment_api_key', 'your_bot_id');
//Get the bot information
infoGetter.getBotInfo().then((info) => {
    //handle the bot information
}).catch((error) => {
    //handle error

//Your bot token

Here are all the available methods for "data" in the example above:

    data.botBigDescription //Gets the big description of the bot
    data.botSmallDescription //Gets the small description of the bot
    data.botAnnouncement //Gets the announcement of the bot
    data.botAvatar // Gets the avatar of the bot
    data.botId //Gets the id of the bot
    data.botName //Gets the name of the bot
    data.botStatus //Gets the status of the bot (if it's approved or awaiting approval')
    data.botDiscord //Gets the discord invite of the bot
    data.botInvite //Gets the invite of the bot
    data.botLibrary //Gets the library of the bot
    data.botListdate //Gets the list date of the bot
    data.botOwnerId //Gets the owner id of the bot
    data.botOwnerName //Gets the owner name of the bot
    data.botPrefix //Gets the prefix of the bot
    data.botPublicFlags //Gets the public flags of the bot
    data.botServers //Gets the servers of the bot
    data.botSite //Gets the site of the bot
    data.botApproval //Gets the approval of the bot
    data.botVanityUrl //Gets the vanity url of the bot

Fetching bot votes

To see if a user voted your bot on Motiondevelopment, you can use the "VoteGetter". Below is a full example:

//Your Discord.JS Client
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();// Fill in your intents

//motionbotlist SDK
const VoteGetter = require('');
//create a new instance of VoteGetter
const voteGetter = new VoteGetter(apiKey, botId);

const hasVoted = await voteGetter.hasVoted('user_id');
//with the user id, you can check if the user has voted for your bot or not.

//here is an example for using the hasVoted variable

client.on('messageCreate', message => {
    const userId = "user_id";
    if (message.content === '!vote') {
        voteGetter.hasVoted(userId).then(data => {
            if (data === true) {
                message.reply('You have voted!')
            } else {
                message.reply('You have not voted!')
        }).catch((error) => {
            //handle error

//If a user voted, it will return true, otherwise it will return false.

//Your bot token


If you don't understand something in the documentation, or you are experiencing problems, please don't hesitate to join our official discord server.


This project is licensed under the "Proprietary License" license. (This license could change in the future.)


The new, official SDK for Discord.js







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