PyGlossary is a tool for converting dictionary files aka glossaries, from/to various formats used by different dictionary applications
Please send your donations through one of these cryptocurrencies:
Linux - (New) Gtk3-based intreface
Windows - Tkinter-based interface
Linux - command line interface
Format | Extension | Read | Write |
ABBYY Lingvo DSL | .dsl | X | |
AppleDict Source | .xml | X | |
Babylon | .bgl | X | |
Babylon Source | .gls | X | |
CSV | .csv | X | X |
DictionaryForMIDs | X | X | |
DICTD dictionary server | .index | X | X |
Editable Linked List of Entries | .edlin | X | X |
FreeDict | .tei | X | |
Gettext Source | .po | X | X |
Lingoes Source (LDF) | .ldf | X | X |
Octopus MDict | .mdx | X | |
Octopus MDict Source | .txt | X | X |
Omnidic | X | ||
Sdictionary Binary | .dct | X | |
Sdictionary Source | .sdct | X | |
SQL | .sql | X | |
StarDict | .ifo | X | X |
Tabfile | .txt, .dic | X | X |
TreeDict | X | ||
XDXF | .xdxf | X |
PyGlossary uses Python 3.x, and works in practically all operating systems. While primarilly designed for GNU/Linux, it works on Windows, Mac OS X and other Unix-based operating systems as well.
As shown in the screenshots, there are multiple User Interface types, ie. multiple ways to use the program.
Gtk3-based interface, uses PyGI (Python Gobject Introspection) You can install it on:
- Debian/Ubuntu:
apt install python3-gi python3-gi-cairo gir1.2-gtk-3.0
- openSUSE:
zypper install python3-gobject gtk3
- Fedora:
dnf install pygobject3 python3-gobject gtk3
- Archlinux:
pacman -S python2-gobject gtk3
- Mac OS X:
brew install pygobject3 gtk+3
- Nix / NixOS:
nix-shell -p gnome3.gobjectIntrospection python37Packages.pygobject3 python37Packages.pycairo
- Debian/Ubuntu:
Tkinter-based interface, works in the lack of Gtk. Specially on Windows where Tkinter library is installed with the Python itself. You can also install it on:
- Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install python3-tk tix
- openSUSE:
zypper install python3-tk tix
- Fedora:
yum install python3-tkinter tix
- Mac OS X: read
- Nix / NixOS:
nix-shell -p python37Packages.tkinter tix
- Debian/Ubuntu:
Command-line interface, works in all operating systems without any specific requirements, just type:
python3 pyglossary.pyw --help
You may have to give
option in Windows when converting glossaries (because the progress bar does not work properly in Windows command window)
When you run the program without any command line arguments or options, PyGlossary tries to find PyGI, if it's installed, opens the Gtk3-based interface, if it's not, tries to find Tkinter and open the Tkinter-based interface. And exits with an error if neither are installed.
But you can explicitly determine the user interface type using --ui
for example:
python3 pyglossary.pyw --ui=gtk
python3 pyglossary.pyw --ui=tk
Reading from XDXF
sudo pip3 install lxml
Writing to AppleDict
sudo pip3 install lxml beautifulsoup4 html5lib
Reading from Octopus Mdict (MDX) (required for some glossaries)
sudo pip3 install python-lzo
Reading from Babylon BGL: Python 3.4 to 3.6 is recommended
Other Requirements for Mac OS X
If you want to convert glossaries into AppleDict format on Mac OS X, you also need:
- GNU make as part of Command Line Tools for Xcode.
- Dictionary Development Kit as part of Additional Tools for
Xcode. Extract to
/Developer/Extras/Dictionary Development Kit
Let's assume the Babylon dict is at
cd ~/Documents/Duden_Synonym/
python3 ~/Software/pyglossary/pyglossary.pyw --write-format=AppleDict Duden_Synonym.BGL Duden_Synonym-apple
cd Duden_Synonym-apple
make install
Launch and test.
Let's assume the MDict dict is at
~/Documents/Duden-Oxford/Duden-Oxford DEED ver.20110408.mdx
Run the following command:
cd ~/Documents/Duden-Oxford/
python3 ~/Software/pyglossary/pyglossary.pyw --write-format=AppleDict "Duden-Oxford DEED ver.20110408.mdx" "Duden-Oxford DEED ver.20110408-apple"
cd "Duden-Oxford DEED ver.20110408-apple"
make install
Launch and test.
Let's assume the MDict dict is at ~/Downloads/oald8/oald8.mdx
, along
with the image/audio resources file oald8.mdd
Run the following commands: :
cd ~/Downloads/oald8/
python3 ~/Software/pyglossary/pyglossary.pyw --write-format=AppleDict oald8.mdx oald8-apple
cd oald8-apple
This extracts dictionary into oald8.xml
and data resources into folder
. Hyperlinks use relative path. :
sed -i "" 's:src="/:src=":g' oald8.xml
Convert audio file from SPX format to WAV format. You need package
from MacPorts :
find OtherResources -name "*.spx" -execdir sh -c 'spx={};speexdec $spx ${spx%.*}.wav' \;
sed -i "" 's|sound://\([/_a-zA-Z0-9]*\).spx|\1.wav|g' oald8.xml
But be warned that the decoded WAVE audio can consume ~5 times more disk space!
Compile and install. :
make install
Launch and test.