Stackoverflow-lite is a simple question and answer system build with node.js backend and without no libraries and framework at the front-end.
Response 200 (application/json)
{ page : 1 limit: 10 message: 'Questions successfully fetched', count: 1 data : [ { question_id : 20, display_name : "Ifedayo", user_id: 4, title: "What's PHP", created_on: "1536586855960" } ] }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'Unable to parse queries', }
Response 400 (application/json)
You may create your own question using this action. You need to provide a token.
Request (application/json)
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 x-access-token: xsdfghjkliuytfrghnjmkmnbvfgh
{ title: "What is PHP", content: "I need the full meaning please" }
Response 200 (application/json)
{ message: 'Question successfully uploaded', data: { createdOn: "1536586855960", questionId: 21, title: "What is PHP", content: "I need the full meaning please" }
Response 401 (application/json)
{ auth: false, token: null, message: 'No token provided.', }
Response 401 (application/json)
{ auth: false, token: null, message: 'Failed to authenticate token.', }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'Question can not be empty', success: false, }
- Parameters
- question_id (number) - The ID of the question
Response 200 (application/json)
{ message: 'Questions successfully fetched', data : { question_id : 20, display_name : "Ifedayo", user_id: 4, title: "What's PHP", created_on: "1536586855960" } }
You may delete a question and a token must be provided.
Request (application/json)
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 x-access-token: xsdfghjkliuytfrghnjmkmnbvfgh
Response 200 (application/json)
{ message: 'Question deleted successfully', }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'The question with such ID does not exist', }
Response 403 (application/json)
{ message: 'This user is not permitted to delete this message', }
Response 401 (application/json)
{ auth: false, token: null, message: 'Failed to authenticate token.', }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'Question can not be empty', success: false, }
- Parameters
- question_id (number) - The ID of the question
Response 200 (application/json)
{ page : 1 limit: 10 message: "Answers fully fetched', count: 1 data : [ { question_id : 20, display_name : "Ifedayo", user_id: 4, content: "Not to sure", created_on: "1536586855960" } ] }
Response 401 (application/json)
{ message: 'This question does not exist anymore', }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'Unable to parse queries', }
Request (application/json)
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 x-access-token: xsdfghjkliuytfrghnjmkmnbvfgh
{ content: "I need the full meaning please" }
Response 200 (application/json)
{ message: 'Answer successfully posted', data: { question_id : 20, display_name : "Ifedayo", user_id: 4, content: "I need the full meaning please", created_on: "1536586855960" } }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'This question does not exist anymore', }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'Answer can not be empty', success: false, }
Response 401 (application/json)
{ auth: false, token: null, message: 'No token provided.', }
Response 401 (application/json)
{ auth: false, token: null, message: 'Failed to authenticate token.', }
User can choose which answer is the best answer to the question. A token is reuired.
- Parameters
question_id (number) - The ID of the question
answer_id (number) - The ID of the preferred answer.
Request (application/json)
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 x-access-token: xsdfghjkliuytfrghnjmkmnbvfgh
Response 200 (application/json)
{ message: 'Successfully set as preferred', }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'Question does not exist', }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'The answer does not exist for this question', }
Response 403 (application/json)
{ message: 'You are forbidden to set this answer as preferred', }
When a user signups, a token is generated and it is valid for only 24 hours or after the user sessions expires before the 24th hour.
Request (application/json)
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{ email: "[email protected]", password: "mypassword", displayName: "Guruboy" }
Response 200 (application/json)
{ message: "Signup successfully", auth: true, token: "<Token generated>" }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'Some required fields are empty', auth: false, token: null, }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'User with this email already exist', auth: false, token: null, }
When a user sign in, a token is generated and it is valid for only 24 hours or after the user sessions expires before the 24th hour.
Request (application/json)
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{ email: "[email protected]" password: "mypassword" }
Response 200 (application/json)
{ auth: true, message: 'Login successfully', token: "<Token Generated>" }
Response 400 (application/json)
{ message: 'Some required fields are empty', auth: false, token: null, }
Response 401 (application/json)
{ auth: false, token: null, message: 'Email does not exist', }
Response 401 (application/json)
{ auth: false, token: null, message: 'Password is not correct', }
Request (application/json)
x-access-token: xsdfghjkliuytfrghnjmkmnbvfgh
Response 200 (application/json)
{ message: 'Profile fully loaded', data: { answers_no: 1, questions_no: 1, recent_questions: [ { question_id : 20, display_name : "Ifedayo", user_id: 4, title: "What's PHP", created_on: "1536586855960" } ], popular_questions: [ { question_id : 20, display_name : "Ifedayo", user_id: 4, title: "What's PHP", created_on: "1536586855960", no_answers: 4 } ] } }