Contributors: ideag Donate link: Tags: ghost, admin panel, markdown, editor, dashboard, admin Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.2 Stable tag: 0.4.1 License: MIT License URI:
Gust is a port of Ghost admin panel for WordPress.
At the begining, Ghost was supposed to be a fork of WordPress. Then there was a talk of a plugin, that would give a next-generation admin panel for WordPress. But in the process it became a new blogging platform, built on Node.js. This plugin is an attempt to bring the nice and clean admin panel of Ghost back to the WordPress ecosystem.
Current features:
- NEW PHP 5.2 Compatability
- NEW Autosave support
- NEW Featured image (post-thumbnail) support
- NEW Custom fields (post-meta) support
- NEW Experimental custom post types support (have to be enabled via Options page)
- NEW Add new category dialog
- NEW Tighter integration with WordPress (Admin Bar links, Edit links, etc.)
- Posts/Pages Markdown editor
- Media upload integration
- Post tags support
- Post category support
- Post scheduling support
- Upload
directory to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Make sure pretty permalinks are enabled
- Go to
Please check 'Output Javascript in footer' option in Disqus plugin options screen to fix.
You can add categories since v0.4. Taxonomy manager is comming in next release
PHP 5.3 is not required anymore. Since v0.4.0 Gust has the same requirements as WordPress itself.
No, I am not. This is an unofficial port, hence the different name.
This is an early release, so some features are not present, yet. They will be, later on, if the plugin gets enough interest.
- Major code rewrite
- Flight routing library replaced with custom version of Dispatch to allow for PHP 5.2 support
- Options page
- Experimental custom post type (CPT) support
- Featured images support
- Custom fields support
- Add new category dialog
- Tighter integration with WordPress - links in Admin Bar, Edit post links to gust etc.
- Autosaves
- Updated jQuery, moment.js and other javascript libraries
- Tested on WordPress 3.9
- A LOT of bug fixes
- several bugfixes
- some fixes for better debuging
- Bugfix - low level php notices failing on some setups
- Bugfix - contributors no longer can publish a post (thanks to [glaxxon]{} for reporting)
- Bugfix for subdirectory setup (e.g.
) - Bugfix for permalinks with front word (e.g.
) - Bugfix 'Add new' button in post list view now is relative to the post type.
- Post category support
- Scheduling future posts support
- Fixed an encoding bug that caused non-latin characters to be garbled in markdown on some systems (thanks to [Povilas Korop]{} for reporting & debuging efforts)
- Fixed an API error on PHP 5.3, caused by unsupported
options (thanks to [mkjonesuk]{} for reporting & debuging efforts) - Plugin now fails gracefully (deactvates and shows a WordPress notice) if PHP <5.3 is detected.
Bugfix - converted to static methods in Gust class
Post tags support Tested compatibility width WordPress 3.8
Small bug fixes, updated license information
Initial release
No upgrade notices