POC Repo for Implementing Runtime Security on Kubernetes Cluster.
- K8s Cluster : On Public Cloud GKE.
- Runtime Security Tool : CNCF Opensource Graduated Project Falco and FalcoSidekick.
- Visualization Tool for Security Events : Grafana.
- Security Events Long Term Storage : Grafana Loki.
This repo doesn't cover the Infra Creation. As It covers more the Architecture point of view.
Above diagram can be summarized as below:
Falco when deployed on a k8’s cluster installs epbf Probe Module/kernel Module(depending on kernel version) in the kernel space.
Any communications done by K8s application workload goes to the kernel and post installation of Falco the epbf probe would capture syscalls, thus tracking any kernel level activity.
Probed events are passed via Ring Buffer to User space to Falco Rule engine that evaluates the Raw event against the Rules.
Events are then matched with based on Rules Config and sent as output to FalcoSidekick.
The Sidekick based on the routing configured passes the events to Long term events storage engine(Loki).
To Visualize the Received Events and make Runtime Security Dashboards Opensource tool Grafana can be used.
The runtime-sec directory contains the relevant helm charts for Falco security Tooling that can be deployed to Cluster using helm as an example:
Install falco:
helm install <FALCO_RELEASE_NAME> -f falco.yaml <FALCO_HELM_CHART_PATH> -n <FALCO_NAMESPACE> --create-namespace
Install falcosidekick:
helm install <FALCO_SIDEKICK_RELEASE_NAME> -f falcosidekick.yaml <FALCO_SIDEKICK_HELM_CHART_PATH> -n <FALCO_SIDEKICK_NAMESPACE> --create-namespace
A Notice Severity Event Reported on Grafana Dashboard when user perform exec
operation on container/pod.
Note: This is just an example severity event and any Critical/High Priority events can be displayed as well Similarly.