Running Jekyll this website is generated automatically at the URL All commits will be continuously deployed to the site. Do not commit the "_site" folder (this is ignored in .gitignore). GiHub pages automatically generates the site on commit.
To view the site go to http(s)://
To test your site locally, you’ll need
- ruby
- the github-pages gem
Run the following command:
gem install github-pages
This will install the github-pages gem and all dependencies (including jekyll).
To construct and test your site locally, go into the directory and type
jekyll build
This will create (or modify) a _site/ directory, containing everything from assets/, and then the and all pages/.md files, converted to html. (So there’ll be _site/index.html and the various _site/pages/.html.)
Type the following in order to “serve” the site. This will first run build, and so it does not need to be preceded by jekyll build.
jekyll serve
Now open your browser and go to http://localhost:4000