Simple plug-in that eases importing PoEditor localized strings to your Android project.
This plug-in super-charges your Android project by providing tasks to download your localized strings from the PoEditor service into you Android project. It also provides a built-in syntax to handle placeholders to enhance the already awesome Android support from PoEditor.
- Gradle 8.2 or above
- Android Gradle Plug-in 8.0 or above
In your main build.gradle
, add repository in the buildscript
block and include the plug-in as a dependency:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath "com.github.hyperdevs-team:poeditor-android-gradle-plugin:<latest_version>"
Kotlin (using classpath)
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url ="") }
dependencies {
Kotlin (using the plugins block)
Top-level settings.gradle.kts
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven { url ="") }
resolutionStrategy {
eachPlugin {
// Add custom plugin ID for the PoEditor plugin.
// This is required because the plugin is not published in the Gradle plugin portal.
if ( == "com.hyperdevs.poeditor") {
Top-level build.gradle.kts
plugins {
id("com.hyperdevs.poeditor") version "<latest_version>" apply false
Apply and configure the plug-in in your app's build.gradle
apply plugin: ""
apply plugin: "com.hyperdevs.poeditor"
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
plugins {
poEditor {
The complete attribute list is the following:
Attribute | Description |
apiToken |
PoEditor API Token. |
projectId |
PoEditor project ID. |
defaultLang |
(Optional) The lang to be used to build default strings.xml (/values folder). Defaults to English (en ). |
defaultResPath |
(Since 1.3.0) (Optional) Path where the plug-in should dump strings. Defaults to the module's default (or build variant) res path. |
enabled |
(Since 1.4.0) (Optional) Enables the generation of the block's related task. Defaults to true . |
tags |
(Since 2.1.0) (Optional) List of PoEditor tags to download. Defaults to empty list. |
languageValuesOverridePathMap |
(Since 2.2.0) (Optional) Map of language_code:path entries that you want to override the default language values folder with. Defaults to empty map. |
minimumTranslationPercentage |
(Since 2.3.0) (Optional) The minimum accepted percentage of translated strings per language. Languages with fewer translated strings will not be fetched. Defaults to no minimum, allowing all languages to be fetched. |
filters |
(Since 2.4.0) (Optional) List of PoEditor filters to use during download. Defaults to empty list. Accepted values are defined by the POEditor API. |
resFileName |
(Since 3.1.0) (Optional) Sets the file name for the imported string resource XML files. Defaults to strings . |
order |
(Since 3.1.0) (Optional) Defines how to order the export. Accepted values are defined by the POEditor API. |
unquoted |
(Since 3.2.0) (Optional) Defines if the strings should be unquoted, overriding default PoEditor configuration. Defaults to false . |
unescapeHtmlTags |
(Since 3.4.0) (Optional) Whether or not to unescape HTML entitites from strings. Defaults to true . |
untranslatableStringsRegex |
(Since 4.2.0) (Optional) Pattern to use to mark strings as translatable=false in the strings file. Defaults to null . |
includeComments |
(Since 5.0.0) (Optional) Whether to include comments from the downloaded strings. Defaults to true . |
After the configuration is done, just run the new importPoEditorStrings
task via Android Studio or command line:
./gradlew importPoEditorStrings
This task will:
- Download all strings files (every available lang) from PoEditor given the api token and project id.
- Process the incoming strings to fix some PoEditor incompatibilities with Android strings system.
- Create and save strings.xml (or whatever file name you desire by using the
attribute) files to/values-<lang>
in case of the default lang). It supports region specific languages by creating the proper folders (i.e./values-es-rMX
The plug-in enhances your PoEditor experience by adding useful features over your project by adding some custom syntax for certain tasks.
The plug-in does not parse string placeholders, instead it uses variables with a specific markup to use in PoEditor's string definition: it uses a double braces syntax to declare them. This allows more clarity for translators that use the platform, since it allows them to know what the placeholders really mean and better reuse them in translations.
For example, the PoEditor string:
welcome_message: Hey {{user_name}} how are you
will become, in strings.xml
<string name="welcome_message">Hey %1$s how are you</string>
If you need more than one variable in the same string, you can also use ordinals. The string:
welcome_message: Hey {1{user_name}} how are you, today offer is {2{current_offer}}
will become, in strings.xml
<string name="welcome_message">Hey %1$s how are you, today offer is %2$s</string>
This way you can change the order of the placeholders depending on the language:
The same string, with the following Spanish translation:
welcome_message: La oferta del día es {2{current_offer}} para ti, {1{user_name}}
will become, in values-es/strings.xml
<string name="welcome_message">La oferta del día es %2$s para ti, %1$s</string>
You can mark some strings as tablet specific strings by adding _tablet
suffix to the string key in PoEditor.
The plug-in will extract tablet strings to its own XML and save it in values-<lang>-sw600dp
If you define the following string in PoEditor:
welcome_message: Hey friend
and welcome_message_tablet: Hey friend how are you doing today, you look great!
The plug-in will create two strings.xml
<string name="welcome_message">Hey friend</string>
<string name="welcome_message">Hey friend how are you doing today, you look great!</string>
Sometimes we might want to import different strings for a given flavor (for example, in white label apps, we could have
different string definitions depending on the brand where they're used). The plugin supports this kind of apps by providing
specific configurations via the poEditorConfig
Let's see an example configuration:
poEditor {
// Default config that applies to all flavor/build type configurations.
// Also executed when calling 'importPoEditorStrings'
android {
// If you have the following flavors...
flavorDimensions 'type'
productFlavors {
free { dimension 'type' }
paid { dimension 'type' }
poEditorConfig {
free {
// Configuration for the free flavor, same syntax as the standard 'poEditor' block
paid {
// Configuration for the paid flavor, same syntax as the standard 'poEditor' block
debug {
// Configuration for the debug build type, same syntax as the standard 'poEditor' block
release {
// Configuration for the release build type, same syntax as the standard 'poEditor' block
poEditor {
// Default config that applies to all flavor/build type configurations.
// Also executed when calling 'importPoEditorStrings'
android {
// If you have the following flavors...
productFlavors {
register("free") { setDimension("type") }
register("paid") { setDimension("type") }
poEditorConfig {
register("free") {
// Configuration for the free flavor, same syntax as the standard 'poEditor' block
register("paid") {
// Configuration for the paid flavor, same syntax as the standard 'poEditor' block
register("debug") {
// Configuration for the debug build type, same syntax as the standard 'poEditor' block
register("release") {
// Configuration for the release build type, same syntax as the standard 'poEditor' block
Each flavor (free
and paid
) and build type (debug
and release
) will have its own task to import strings for said
configuration: importFreePoEditorStrings
, importPaidPoEditorStrings
, importDebugPoEditorStrings
Now the importPoEditorStrings
task will import the main strings configured in the poEditor
block and also the
strings for each defined flavor or build type.`
Requires version 1.3.0 of the plug-in
You can also apply the plug-in to library modules. Here's an example:
Apply and configure the plug-in in your library's build.gradle
apply plugin: ""
apply plugin: "com.hyperdevs.poeditor"
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
plugins {
id ""
id "com.hyperdevs.poeditor"
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
You can also apply flavor and build type-specific configurations as you would do when setting them up with application modules.
The plug-in will generate the proper tasks needed to import the strings under your module: :<your_module>:import<your_flavor_or_build_type_if_any>PoEditorStrings
Requires version 1.4.0 of the plug-in
There may be some cases where you only want certain configurations to have a related task.
One of these examples may be to only have tasks for the configured flavors or build types, but you don't want to have the
main poEditor
block to download any strings. For these cases you have the enabled
variable that you can set to false
when you want to disable a configuration.
Keep in mind that, if you disable the main poEditor
block, you'll need to enable each specific configuration separately
since they inherit the main block configuration. Let's see how this works:
poEditor {
// Default config that applies to all flavor/build type configurations.
// Also executed when calling 'importPoEditorStrings'
enabled = false // This'll disable task generation for every configuration.
apiToken = "your_common_api_token"
android {
flavorDimensions 'type'
productFlavors {
free { dimension 'type' }
paid { dimension 'type' }
poEditorConfig {
free {
// Specific configuration for the free flavor
enabled = true // Explicitly enabled since the main block disables task generation
projectId = 12345
paid {
// Specific configuration for the paid flavor
enabled = true // Explicitly enabled since the main block disables task generation
projectId = 54321
poEditor {
// Default config that applies to all flavor/build type configurations.
// Also executed when calling 'importPoEditorStrings'
enabled = false // This'll disable task generation for every configuration.
apiToken = "your_common_api_token"
android {
// If you have the following flavors...
productFlavors {
register("free") { setDimension("type") }
register("paid") { setDimension("type") }
poEditorConfig {
register("free") {
// Specific configuration for the free flavor
enabled = true // Explicitly enabled since the main block disables task generation
projectId = 12345
register("paid") {
// Specific configuration for the paid flavor
enabled = true // Explicitly enabled since the main block disables task generation
projectId = 54321
Requires version 2.1.0 of the plug-in
You can also select the tags that you want strings to be downloaded from PoEditor, based on the tags that you defined in your PoEditor project.
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
tags = ["tag1", "tag2"] // Download strings with the specified tags
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
tags = listOf("tag1", "tag2")
Requires version 2.2.0 of the plug-in
Sometimes you may want to override the default values
path where the plug-in stores the downloaded strings.
For example, you may have a project where you have custom languages suited to your app flavors in PoEditor
(let's say free
and paid
). The plug-in would create two folders in your app's res
and values-paid
) by default; this would not be ideal if you want the string values to their respective
You can add the parameter languageValuesOverridePathMap
to your poEditor
or poEditorConfig
block to change the
path of the values
folder where the strings file will be stored for a given language code:
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
languageValuesOverridePathMap = [
"free" : "${rootDir}/app/src/free/res/values",
"paid" : "${rootDir}/app/src/paid/res/values"
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
languageValuesOverridePathMap = mapOf(
"free" to "${rootDir}/app/src/free/res/values",
"paid" to "${rootDir}/app/src/paid/res/values"
Requires version 2.3.0 of the plug-in
The plug-in also allows setting a minimum percentage of translated strings to download languages. This is set-up with the minimumTranslationPercentage
parameter in your poEditor
or poEditorConfig
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
minimumTranslationPercentage = 85
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
minimumTranslationPercentage = 85
Requires version 2.4.0 of the plug-in
The plug-in also allows setting filters for narrowing down the type of terms to be downloaded.
Supported filters are defined by the POEditor API and currently include: translated
, untranslated
, fuzzy
, not_fuzzy
, automatic
, not_automatic
, proofread
, not_proofread
At the moment it's not possible to set different filters per language.
This is set-up with the optional filters
parameter in your poEditor
or poEditorConfig
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
filters = ["translated", "not_fuzzy"]
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
filters = listOf("translated", "not_fuzzy")
Requires version 3.4.0 of the plug-in
You can enable or disable HTML tags unescaping with the unescapeHtmlTags
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
unescapeHtmlTags = false
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
unescapeHtmlTags = false
Requires version 4.1.0 of the plug-in
You can create extra PoEditor tasks to import strings for other projects, for example. You can do so by adding this to
your build.gradle(.kts)
tasks.register("importCustomPoEditorStrings", {
description = "Imports custom strings from POEditor."
group = "strings"
apiToken = "another_token_from_a_different_project"
projectId = 12345
resFileName = "strings_custom"
Requires version 4.2.0 of the plug-in
You can use the untranslatableStringsRegex
property to define a regex to mark matching PoEditor string keys as
These strings will be marked as translatable="false"
in the final strings file.
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
untranslatableStringsRegex = "(.*)"
poEditor {
apiToken = "your_api_token"
projectId = 12345
defaultLang = "en"
untranslatableStringsRegex = "(.*)"
Keep in mind that the regex must match the whole string name and not just a part, as it relies on
from the
Kotlin API.
If you want a similar solution for your iOS projects, check this out: poeditor-parser-swift
- Iván Martínez - Initial work
- Adrián García - Maintainer
Thanks to all the people who contributed to making the plug-in better!
The work in this repository up to April 28th, 2021 was done by bq. Thanks for all the work!!
This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0.
Copyright 2021 HyperDevs
Copyright 2016 BQ
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.