This is an online Code Editor that leverages Web Bluetooth to allow editing and debugging on nrf52-based devices.
A live copy of the tool is hosted here:
- Make sure NPM Version 16 is installed
- Copy Files from the Repo to your Web Server Root.
- Run npm install
- Run npx snowpack dev to continuously update on file changes (or npx snowpack build for one time)
There are 2 ways to do this.
This is a quick way to get up and running.
- Generate the certificates by running: npx devcert-cli generate localhost
- In snowpack.config.mjs, uncomment any lines with the words "cert" and "key"
This way requires installing mkcert, but it's much easier to switch back and forth between https and http.
- Install mkcert on your system
- Generate the certificates by running: mkcert -install && mkcert -key-file snowpack.key -cert-file snowpack.crt localhost
- Start snowpack in secure mode by --secure to the command: npx snowpack dev --secure