A collection of useful AHK scripts.
Some of these scripts are not made by me.
This is mainly reference for me when installing things on a new system.
- Intercept and Drivers
- I want to change this, as this is a weird setup, but Corsair needs to add per-keyboard profiles.
- Node.js and NPM
cd js && npm i
- 7-Zip CLI
npm i -g chromix-too
on startup.npm i -g lorem-ipsum
Private Package (npm link
)- WSL
sudo apt get apcalc
- open-or-focus.ahk: Opens a new chrome tab or focuses it if it exists.
- REQUIRES: chromix-too
- REQUIRES: cmd/std-out-to-var.ahk
- REQUIRES: cmd/run-cmd.ahk
- run-cmd.ahk: Provides
. - std-out-to-var.ahk: Runs a console command and returns the output.
- navigate-discord.ahk: Navigates to a Discord channel or DM using its quick switcher.
- REQUIRES: SendTextPreserveClipboard.ahk
- add-discord-reaction: Adds a Discord reaction to the latest sent message in the channel.
- send-latest-discord-message.ahk: Pastes the latest discord message in the channel.
- REQUIRES: This requires Better Discord to be installed with the Message Utilities plugin.
- paste-image.ahk: Pastes an image from a file path.
- REQUIRES: lib/gdip.ahk
- select-random-item-in-folder.ahk: Selects a random file from a folder and returns its file name.
- Probably not the most efficient code, takes around 1.5 seconds or less on a folder with 5,700 files (for me).
- google-crossword.ahk: Instantly solve the crossword at https://www.google.com/logos/2013/crossword/crossword13.html.
Google Suite
- docs-hanging-indent.ahk: Creates a hanging indent with the highlighted paragraphs.
- docs-clone-row.ahk: Clones the row of the selected cell.
- gsuite-new.ahk: Create new items from anywhere.
- random-uuid.ahk: Generates a random UUID.
- random-color.ahk: Generates a random color in #rrggbb format.
- lib/
- The Spotify library provided by Spotify.ahk.
- spotify.ahk: My collection of functions using Spotify.ahk
- send-text-preserve-clipboard.ahk: Sends text all at once while preserving your clipboard.
- WARNING: Seems to paste your clipboard when sent in quick succession sometimes.
- gen-random-emoji-string.ahk: Generates a random string of emojis from the passed array of unicode emojis. Adjust length in the actual script. Could be adapted to generate a random string of other things as well.
- clap-text.ahk: Puts the clapping emoji between every word along with at the beginning and end.
- Made for Discord, but might work other places too.
- Claps your clipboard contents if nothing is available to select.
- mock-text.ahk: COnveRTS TO mocKiNg casE.
- space-text.ahk: O h y e a h s p a c e .
- get-color-at-cursor.ahk: Gets the color under the cursor in #RRGGBB format.
- calc.ahk: Does math.
- REQUIRES: apcalc
- REQUIRES: cmd/run-cmd.ahk
- trim-video.ahk: Trims video, given a starting timestamp and an ending timestamp.
- REQUIRES: cmd/run-cmd.ahk
- REQUIRES: ffmpeg
Usable By Me Only (might be able to use, probably not)
- send-other.ahk: Sends a URL or pastes an image from a file path if it is in the other archive.
- REQUIRES: text/send-text-preserve-clipboard.ahk
- REQUIRES: explorer/paste-image.ahk
- explorer/change-explorer-view.ahk from TaranVH: Link
- explorer/batch-rename.ahk from Shrikant: Link
- explorer/create-folder-hierarchy.ahk from Shrikant: Link
- explorer/select-by-regex.ahk from Shrikant: Link
- explorer/explorer.ahk from Rapte_Of_Suzaku: Link
- explorer/unzip-latest.ahk by u/detectretract: Link
- explorer/toggle-hidden-items.ahk by u/yet_another_usr: Link
- explorer/toggle-desktop-items.ahk by hachi: Link
- explorer/get-path-of-selected.ahk by teadrinker: Link
- lib/gdip.ahk from tariqporter: Link
- lib/virtual-desktop-accessor.dll by Ciantic: Link
- random/random-date.ahk by Gogo: Link
- spotify/lib: Spotify.ahk by CloakerSmoker: Link
- util/clipboard.ahk from r2997790: Link
- util/tippy2.ahk from TaranVH: Link
- util/brightness-setter.ahk from qwerty12: Link
- util/lock-and-turn-off-screens.ahk from BigVent: Link