Tool for heart segmentation and congenital heart defect detection in mice.
There are several ways to run the plugin: (1) from bundle, (2) Containers (Docker or Apptainer), (3) from code
(1) Install Napari by following this instruction
(2) Install mousechd-napari
* Run Napari
* Plugins
--> Install/Uninstall Plugins ...
--> Search for mousechd-napari
--> Click on install
(3) Restart Napari to run the plugin
sudo docker pull hoanguyen93/mousechd-napari
Run plugin with local resources:
sudo docker run --gpus all -v <path/to/home/on/host>:<path/to/home/on/host> -it --rm -p 9876:9876 -p 6006:6006 hoanguyen93/mousechd-napari
sudo docker run --gpus all -v /home/hnguyent:/home/hnguyent -it --rm -p 9876:9876 -p 6006:6006 hoanguyen93/mousechd-napari
Open this link on your browser: http://localhost:9876/
Run plugin with server resources:
- Follow this instruction to setup running on server.
- Copy ~/.ssh folder to a temporary location, for example in ~/Downloads:
cp -r ~/.ssh ~/Downloads/
- Change ownership for temporary ~/Downloads/.ssh folder:
chown -R root:root ~/Downloads/.ssh
- Run docker:
udo docker run --gpus all -v <path/to/home/on/host>:<path/to/home/on/host> -v /home/hnguyent/Downloads/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro -it --rm -p 9876:9876 -p 6006:6006 hoanguyen93/mousechd-napari
- Open this link on your browser: http://localhost:9876/
- The plugin in docker container can't display 3D view, please choose 2D view to display the sample and images.
If you want to run with server resource, follow this instruction to setup running on server.
- Download Apptainer image
from (Zenodo)[] or simply:wget
- Run the plugin:
apptainer exec \
--nv \
--bind /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
<path/to/mousechd-napari.sif> napari
conda create -n mousechd_napari python=3.9
conda activate mousechd_napari
pip install "napari[all]"
pip install mousechd-napari
Please find details instruction in folder docs