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How To: Test with Cucumber

trevorturk edited this page Sep 20, 2010 · 21 revisions

Some snippets how to test Devise with Cucumber:

Authenticating using capybara steps

Cucumber ships with the capybara DSL for triggering usual actions a real user would perform. It’s a good idea to just sign in as you would do in your browser, for it makes Cucumber steps both solid and straightforward. Examples of such steps, using standard Devise routes and Authenticable, given a route devise_for :users, are:

Given /^I am not authenticated$/ do
  visit('/users/sign_out') # ensure that at least

Given /^I have one\s+user "([^\"]*)" with password "([^\"]*)" and login "([^\"]*)"$/ do |email, password, login| => email,
           :login => login,
           :password => password,
           :password_confirmation => password).save!

Given /^I am a new, authenticated user$/ do
  email = '[email protected]'
  login = 'Testing man'
  password = 'secretpass'

  Given %{I have one user "#{email}" with password "#{password}" and login "#{login}"}
  And %{I go to login}
  And %{I fill in "user_email" with "#{email}"}
  And %{I fill in "user_password" with "#{password}"}
  And %{I press "Sign in"}

Be sure to handle Confirmable if you had this module enabled (that is, specify confirmation attributes when creating a user).

Now you can do things like:

Scenario Outline: Creating a new account
    Given I am not authenticated
    When I go to register # define this path mapping in features/support/paths.rb, usually as '/users/sign_up'
    And I fill in "user_email" with "<email>"
    And I fill in "user_password" with "<password>"
    And I fill in "user_password_confirmation" with "<password>"
    And I press "Sign up"
    Then I should see "logged in as <email>" # your work!

      | email           | password   |
      | [email protected] | secretpass |
      | [email protected]     | fr33z3     |

Scenario: Willing to edit my account
    Given I am a new, authenticated user # beyond this step, your work!
    When I want to edit my account
    Then I should see the account initialization form
    And I should see "Your account has not been initialized yet. Do it now!"
    # And more view checking stuff

Authenticating using warden

You can use warden testing helpers, although it is more an RSpec matter.

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