More than 20 years ago, I started my career as a programmer before transitioning to teaching German. In 2021, I developed a bone infection and spent three months in the hospital. With plenty of downtime, I rediscovered my passion for programming—and now I'm back in the field.
- Spoken Languages: German, English, Portuguese, Spanish
- Programming Languages (proficient): Cython, Python, Awk, Bash
- Programming Languages (intermediate knowlege): C++, C
- Programming Languages (basic knowlege): Zig, Kotlin, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Batch, Powershell, QBASIC 😊
- Natural Language Processing (NLP): The catalyst that reignited my passion for programming.
- Android Automation
- Windows Game Automation
- Web Scraping
- Social Media Automation
- Computer Vision
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Black Belt): Currently on hold following four hip surgeries in 2021.