Parkinson's Disease Digital Biomarker Dream Challenge
We have the following directory structure:
│ Walking_Activity_Train.csv
│ Walking_Activity_Test.csv
| Walking_Activity_Supplemental.csv
│ │
│ └───deviceMotion_walking_outbound
│ │ 123
│ │ 234
│ │ ...(the downloaded directory structure for deviceMotion_walking_outbound column)
│ │
│ └───deviceMotion_walking_outbound
│ └───deviceMotion_walking_rest
│ └───deviceMotion_walking_return
│ └───accel_walking_outbound
│ └───accel_walking_rest
│ └───acc_walking_return
| │
─── Supplemental
| |
For every folder such as deviceMotion_walking_outbound, we use a command
python --x_y_z_norm Y --function_no 0&
to calculate the the meanY feature for the files.
--x_y_z_norm is the argument for the type of feature, X,Y,Z or norm.. --function_no is the function no from 0 to 11.
Similarly, there are 12 different functions that we have calculated,
- 0 meanX mean of the X acceleration series
- 1 sdX standard deviation of the X acceleration series
- 2 skewX skewness of the X acceleration series
- 3 kurtosisX kurtosis of the X acceleration series
- 4 q1X first quartile of the X acceleration series
- 5 q3X third quartile of the X acceleration series
- 6 iqrX interquartile range of the X acceleration series
- 7 ptpX range of the X acceleration series
- 8 autocorrX autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the X acceleration series
- 9 zcrX zero-crossing rate of the X acceleration series
- 10 dfaX scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the X acceleration series
- 11 variationX coefficient of variation of the X acceleration series
We then calculate them for each of the 4 types of features, and merge them using the merge code.
nolds for dfa calculation( )
numpy, scipy
Python Version 3.6