httperf-plot is a python wrapper around httperf
- httperf
- python3
- pip
- matplotlib
sudo apt-get install httperf python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-matplotlib
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
usage: [-h] [--server S] [--port N] [--uri S] [--timeout X]
[--rate X] [--num-conns N] [--num-calls N] [--method S]
[--add-header S] [--wsesslog N,X,F] [--ramp-up X,N]
httperf-plot is a python wrapper around httperf
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--server S specifies the IP hostname S of the server
--port N specifies the port number N on which the web server is
listening for HTTP requests
--uri S specifies that URI S should be accessed on the server
--timeout X specifies the amount of time X that httperf is willing to
wait for a server reaction
--rate X specifies the fixed rate X at which connections or
sessions are created
--num-conns N specifies the total number of connections N to create
--num-calls N specifies the total number of calls N to issue on each
connection before closing it
--method S specifies the method S that should be used when issuing an
HTTP request
--add-header S specifies to include string S as an additional request
--wsesslog N,X,F specifies the following parameters: N is the number of
sessions to initiate, X is the user think-time (in
seconds) that separates consecutive call bursts, and many
aspects of user sessions can be specified in an input file
--ramp-up X,N specifies the ramp-up rate X, times N (httperf-plot