Gradido Node v1 is a node which stores Gradido Blockchain. This repository contains other node types (ordering, backup, etc.) as well for v2.
When code is built, all node types + unit tests + utilites are accessible as executables. It is expected that a docker container runs single binary (1 container = 1 node).
Ports 13000-14000 all are exposed; exact port should be specified in configuration file, provided inside volume, which serves also as home folder for particular instance.
$INSTANCE_FOLDER: home of instance; should contain gradido.conf, siblings.txt; note, that folder is referred from inside of gradido.conf as well $INSTANCE_NAME: arbitrary name of instance
docker build -t $INSTANCE_NAME .
docker run --ulimit core=-1 -v $INSTANCE_FOLDER:/opt/instance $INSTANCE_NAME /opt/gn/build/gradido_deprecated
docker run --ulimit core=-1 $INSTANCE_NAME /opt/gn/build/unit_tests
--ulimit core=-1 should result in core files if node crash