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Grzegorz Godlewski edited this page Aug 30, 2023 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the golem-js Wiki!

Getting started

🛠 Installing the SDK

You can start by installing the SDK to your project:

npm install --save @golem-sdk/golem-js

📚 Learning how to operate Golem and the SDK

  1. Golem Handbook - when you want to learn more about Golem and it's architecture
  2. Quick Start for JS Developers - to get a guided introduction to the SDK
  3. Code examples from our repository - to see how you can get things up and running

🆘 Getting help

You have few options available, pick the one which suits you best!

  1. Start a new discussion in the repository
  2. Join our public discord and reach us on the #js-discussion channel
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