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Releases: go-jet/jet

Release v2.13.0

16 Mar 12:09
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✨ New Features

  • Added support for SELECT_JSON statements (wiki).
  • Added support for Blob / Bytea expressions.
  • Introduced support for Strict Scan mode (wiki).
  • Enabled LIMIT clause support in UPDATE queries for SQLite.
  • Added DefaultColumns to the Table and View SQL builder.
  • Jet generator now supports passing a direct database connection.
  • Added support to skip SQL columns from generated types.
  • Added support for exporting a ColumnList from a subquery.
  • Enabled assignment of one ColumnList to another in INSERT and UPDATE queries.
  • Introduced jet generator flags for package name customization for Model, Table, View, and Enum.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Added missing PostgreSQL reserved keywords (issue)


@Hasaber8 @sirmackan @TotallyGamerJet @galexrt @formica2 @jamius19

Release v2.12.0

03 Nov 12:14
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New Features

  • Prepared Statement Caching (wiki)
  • VALUES Statements Support (wiki)
  • Custom Expression and Operator Support: Users can now build custom expressions and operators using newly exposed CustomExpression and Token functions. (wiki)
  • Row Expression Support
  • Enum Model: List of all enum values are now listed in the generated enum model file (wiki)
  • Postgres Comments: Generated files now include Postgres comments for table, columns and enums.
  • ColumnList Table Re-Aliasing: New As method renames table alias for all the columns within ColumnList (wiki)
  • Table Alias Removal: Table aliases can now be omitted from ColumnList and ProjectionList by passing an empty string to the As method (wiki)
  • Postgres Character Type Constructors: New constructors for Postgres-specific character types, including Text, Char, and VarChar.
  • Postgres Functions: Added support for DATE_TRUNC and GENERATE_SERIES functions.
  • Generator Column Metadata: Added new HasDefault metadata for columns.

Bug Fixes

  • Postgres Array Detection: Fixed an issue with detecting Postgres arrays (issue)
  • Interval Column Usage in UPDATE/INSERT SET: Interval columns can now be used in UPDATE and INSERT SET assignments (issue)
  • SQL Builder Column Name conflict: Resolved naming conflicts for columns that share names with Jet types or methods by appending an underscore _ to the end of the column field name (issue)


@kblomster @josephbuchma @azdagron @realrunner @safaci2000 @BranislavLazic @VolkerLieber @jf9327 @MathieuKooiman

Release v2.11.1

24 Mar 12:46
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[Bug] Postgres ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING without conflict target does not appear in generated SQL (pr).

Special thanks to @BillBuilt for spotting the issue.

Release v2.11.0

28 Feb 13:25
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[New] Postgres support for range types.
[New] Postgres support for materialized views.
[New] Sqlite support for generated columns.
[New] Support for OF in row locking clause.
[New] Postgres support for the FETCH FIRST clause.
[New] Support for NULLS_FIRST and NULLS_LAST sorting order.
[New] Default alias option for table SQL builder.
[New] Faster MySQL code generation for databases with very large numbers of tables.
[New] Postgres support for expression in the OFFSET clause.
[Bug] Invalid go identifiers ASCII characters are replaced with character description string.

New Contributors

@quirell, @ryym, @josephbuchma, @mattdowdell, @jupp0r, @realbucksavage, @sarkan-ag5

Release v2.10.1

24 Jul 09:16
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[Bug] QRM doesn't group query result correctly if there are two model slices of the same type in the destination and one slice is aliased (issue, more info)
[Bug] Jet generator fails if MySQL column comment contains an ASCII control character (issue)
[Bug] Jet generator usage string shows the wrong version (issue)

Release v2.10.0

17 Apr 09:38
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[New] Postgres support for GROUPING SET, ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING operators (wiki)
[New] MySQL support for WITH ROLLUP and GROUPING operators (wiki)
[New] UseSchema method to replace targeted schema for table and view SQL Builder types (wiki)
[New] Generated columns are not part of the MutableColumns list anymore (issue)
[New] MySQL column comments are now included in generated files (issue)
[Bug] Generator fails if there is an enum with the same name in multiple Postgres schema (issue)
[Bug] QRM fails to group the result if the primary key is a custom type (issue)
[Bug] QRM fails to group the result if there are duplicate slices in the destination (issue)

Release v.2.9.0

30 Sep 12:02
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[New] MySql insert row alias for duplicate key update statements (issue, wiki)
[New] MySql statement optimizer hints (issue, wiki)
[New] Postgres json literal (issue)
[Bug] Some mysql and sqlite conditional functions are not exported (issue)
[Bug] Missing SET method for ColumnTimez interface (pr)
[Bug] Reserved word RIGHT missing for postgres dialect (pr)

Release v.2.8.0

17 May 10:02
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[New] CockroachDB support
[New] Table prefix and suffix for multi-tenant environment (issue)
[New] EXTRACT time/date support
[Bug] Ignore tables, views and enums does not work if dsn is present (pr)
[Bug] Statement Query and Exec methods can not be used with sql.Conn (issue)
[Bug] DebugSQL panics with Valuer types (issue)

Release v.2.7.1

14 Feb 12:06
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[Fix] Poor performance when using Rows to scan the data (issue, wiki)
[New] Global AND and OR functions for better indentation of a complex conditions in the Go code and in the generated SQL (wiki)

Release v.2.7.0

20 Jan 16:54
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  • [New] [Posgres] [Sqlite] UPDATE statement FROM clause support (issue, wiki)
  • [New] [Postgres] [MySQL] DELETE statement USING clause support (issue, wiki)
  • [New] [QRM] Prevent recursive scan if destination contains circular dependency (issue)
  • [New] WITH RECURSIVE statement support (wiki)
  • [New] BETWEEN operator support (wiki)
  • [New] Aggregate functions DISTINCT operator support (issue)
  • [New] [Postgres] DISTINCT ON clause support (wiki)
  • [New] Ability to update alias of all sub-query(or CTE) projections (wiki)
  • [New] Ability to exclude list of columns from sub-query(or CTE) projections (wiki)
  • [New] Query logger function with additional execution details (issue, wiki)
  • [New] [Postgres] Order set aggregate functions support (issue)
  • [New] Generator flags to ignore tables, views and enums. (issue, wiki)
  • [New] Automatic type cast for sized integer literals (issue)
  • [Fix] Generator no longer supports MySQL 5.7 (issue)