Hi, this is all about Python, easy like Python itself!
Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace.
In this repository I will offer all my files while I learn Python from scratch through self-study, mainly using VSCode Editor with Jupiter Notebook π
Why Jupyter?
Jupyter is a free,
interactive web tool
known as a computational notebook,
which researchers can use to combine
software code, computational output,
explanatory text and multimedia resources
in a single document.
it's just amazing!
You're more then welcome to visit my Web Pages:
Jungletronics (Arduino, RPi, PIC, Eagle, Blender, Unity3D, Pixy, and more) KidsTronics (MIT App Inventor, LEGO, Arduino For Kids, and more)
And my Youtube Channel Playlist
Or my old Atlassian,Inc. Repo: https://bitbucket.org/gilj3/
Where I Embrace Playful Experimentation, offering you an scaffolding opportunities to Code, Hack, and Tinker with Arduino, Rpi, PIC, and Lego too, and eventually you may toss me some feedback π
In 2021: π Google Colab is awesome, try it yourself!
#EX_00 #PySeries - Python β Jupiter Notebook Quick Start with VSCode β How to Set your Win10 Environment to use Jupiter Notebook
#EX_01 #PySeries - Python For Engineers β Exercises! β An overview of the Opportunities Offered by Python in Engineering!
#EX_02 #PySeries - Python For Engineers β More Exercises! β Another Round to Make Sure that Python is Really Amazing!
#EX_03 #PySeries - Linear Regressions - The Basic β How to Understand Linear Regression Once and For All!
#EX_04 #PySeries - Numpy β Init & Python Review β A Crash Python Review & Initialization at Numpy lib! Bonus: Fun Little Quiz
#EX_05 #PySeries - NumPy β Arrays & Jupyter Notebook β Arithmetic Operations, Indexing & Slicing, and Conditional Selection w/ np arrays
#EX_06 #PySeries - Pandas β Intro & Series β Pandas: What it is? How to use it?
#EX_07 #PySeries - Pandas β DataFrames β The Primary Pandas Data Structure! It Is a Dict-Like Container for Series Objects.
#EX_08 #PySeries - Pandas β DataFrames - a Dict-Like Container β The Primary Pandas Data Structure! It Is a Dict-Like Container for Series Objects.
#EX_09 #PySeries - Python 4 Engineers β Even More Exercises! β More Practicing Coding Questions in Python!
#EX_10 #PySeries - Pandas β Hierarchical Index & Cross-section β Open your Colab notebook and here are the follow-up exercises!
#EX_11 #PySeries - Pandas β Missing Data β More Practicing Coding Questions in Python!
#EX_12 #PySeries - Pandas β Group By β Grouping large amounts of data and compute operations on these groups
#EX_13 #PySeries - Pandas β Merging, Joining & Concatenations β Facilities For Easily Combining Together Series or DataFrame
#EX_14 #PySeries - Pandas β Dataframes β Examples: Column Operations
#EX_15 #PySeries - Python 4 Engineers β Keeping It In The Short-Term Memory - FAQ for you from a program supported by Huawei
#EX_16 #PySeries - NumPy - NumPy Review, Again;)β Python Review Free Exercises - Can you answer these twenty questions about NumPy?
#EX_17 #PySeries - Generators in Python - Python Review Free Hints - An Awesome Memory Efficient Tool!
#EX_18 #PySeries - Pandas Reviewβ¦Again - Python Review Free Exercises - Can You answer these ten questions:
#EX_19 #PySeries - MatlibPlot & Seaborn Python Libs - Reviewing theses Plotting & Statistics Packs - An Interactive Visualizations Lib in Python.
#EX_20 #PySeries - Seaborn Python Review - Reviewing theses Plotting & Statistics Packs - It Uses uses Matplotlib underneath to plot graphs.
#EX_21 #PySeries - Integration in Python - Making Your Academic Life Much Easier with Python - SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics.
#EX_22 #PySeries - Pandas β One Hot Encoding (OHE) - Pandas Dataframe Examples: AI Secrets - How To Deals With Categorical Data in Python.
#EX_23 #PySeries - Double Integrals in Python - And Area Between Curves Resolutions - How To Get a Double Integration - Math4EEngineers!
#EX_24 #PySeries - 3D System β Extreme Points z=f(x,y) - Finding Extreme Points By Differentiation - How To Find a Functionβs Derivative By Differentiation Process.
#EX_25 #PySeries - 3D System β Extreme Points z=f(x) - Finding Extreme Points, again:) - Differential and Integral to One Variable.
#EX_26 #PySeries - Directional Derivative β Gradient - And More: Double & Triple Derivative & Chain Rule in Python :) - Double & Triple Derivative & Chain Rule & grads in Python!
#EX_31 #PySeries - Pandas β DATAFRAMES - When should I use pandas DataFrame? - Letβs see Pandas' DATAFRAMES again!
#EX_32 #PySeries - Linear Equations β Solve by GAUSS JORDAN - How To Use Python to Solve Linear System - How To Solve a System of Linear Equations By Gauss-Jordan.
#EX_33 #PySeries - Linear Equations β Solve by CREMER RULE - How To Use Python to Solve Linear System - Now, Using Cremer Rule π
#EX_34 #PySeries - Linear Equations β Solve by GAUSS SEIDEL - How To Use Python to Solve Linear System - And finally, using GAUSS SEIDEL π
#EX_35 #PySeries - String Formatting in Python - How To Format Strings in Python - This Is a Quick Note About Strings in Python β
#EX_36 #PySeries - Kaggle Juggle & Python - How to use kaggle Notebook to Study Python - Learn How To Use kaggle platform π