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6. Available field types

strayguevara edited this page Jun 18, 2019 · 3 revisions



The Text field creates a simple text input option for the block.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.
  • Placeholder Text: The helper text which appears when the input is empty.
  • Character Limit: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.

Template Usage

The API will return a string.

<h3><?php block_field( 'subtitle' ); ?></h3>


The Textarea field creates a multi-line text input option for the block, suitable for paragraphs.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.
  • Placeholder Text: The helper text which appears when the input is empty.
  • Character Limit: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.
  • Number of Rows: The height of the textarea when displayed in the editor.

Template Usage

The API will return a string.

<div class="notification">
	<p><?php block_field( 'notification-message' ); ?></p>


The URL field creates a simple text input that only accepts valid URLs.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.
  • Placeholder Text: The helper text which appears when the input is empty.

Template Usage

The API will return a string.

<a href="<?php block_field( 'link' ); ?>" />


The Email field creates a simple text input that only accepts valid email addresses.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.
  • Placeholder Text: The helper text which appears when the input is empty.

Template Usage

The API will return a string.

<a href="mailto:<?php block_field( 'email_address' ); ?>" />


The Number field creates a text input that only accepts numbers.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.
  • Placeholder Text: The helper text which appears when the input is empty.

Template Usage

The API will return an integer, and echo a string.

<p>Age: <?php block_field( 'age' ); ?></p>
for( $i = 1; $i <= block_value( 'loop' ) $i++ ) {
    echo ' and again…';


The Color field creates a color picker.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.

Template Usage

The API will return a string. It could be either a hex value (#FF00FF) or an rgba value (rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.5)).

<div style="background:<?php block_field( 'background_color' ); ?>"></div>


The Image field creates a text field expecting an image URL, and includes buttons to Upload an Image or choose on from the Media Library.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.

Template Usage

The API will return the Attachment Post ID of the chosen image as an integer, and echo the full-size URL of the chosen image a string.

<img src="<?php block_field( 'feature_image' ); ?>" />
$attachment_id = block_value( 'profile_photo' );
echo wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, 'thumbnail' );


The Select field creates a dropdown menu input option for the block.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Choices: The available items in the dropdown menu.
    • Enter each choice on a new line.
    • To specify the value and label separately, use this format: foo : Foo.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.

Template Usage

The API will return a string.

<p>Size: <?php block_field( 'tshirt-size' ); ?></p>


The Multi-Select field creates a list input option for the block, in which multiple options can be chosen.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Choices: The available items in the dropdown menu.
    • Enter each choice on a new line.
    • To specify the value and label separately, use this format: foo : Foo.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.
    • Enter each default value on a new line.
    • Use only the value (not the label) of the choice you would like selected.

Template Usage

The API will return an array, and echo a comma separated string.

	<?php foreach ( block_value( 'features' ) as $value ) : ?>
	<li><?php echo $value; ?></li>
	<?php endforeach; ?>


The Toggle field creates an on / off toggle switch input option for the block.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.

Template Usage

The API will return a boolean.

$class = 'container';
if ( block_value( 'full-width' ) ) {
	echo $class .= ' full-width';
<div class="<?php echo $class; ?>">


The Range field creates a number slider input option for the block, suitable for integers.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Minimum Value: The minimum value that can be selected within the range.
  • Maximum Value: The maximum value that can be selected within the range.
  • Step Size: The smallest change possible while moving the slider.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.

Template Usage

The API will return an integer, and echo a string.

<div class="columns">
	<?php for ( $i = 1; $i <= block_value( 'number-of-columns' ); $i++ ) : ?>
	<div class="column">
		<p>Column #<?php echo $i; ?></p>
	<?php endfor; ?>


The Checkbox field creates a single checkbox input option for the block.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.

Template Usage

The API will return a boolean.

if ( block_value( 'show-avatar' ) ) {
	echo get_avatar( $email );


The Radio field creates a multi-choice input option for the block. Multiple items can not be selected.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Choices: The available items in the list.
    • Enter each choice on a new line.
    • To specify the value and label separately, use this format: foo : Foo.
  • Default Value: The default value for this field when adding the block.

Template Usage

The API will return a string.

<p>Location: <?php block_field( 'location' ); ?></p>


The Post field allows you to select one of your WordPress posts from a searchable dropdown menu.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Post Type: The post type filter (e.g. Posts, Pages)

Template Usage

The API will return a WP_Post object, and echo the Post's title.

See the WP_Post class on

<a class="link-to-my-post" href="<?php echo get_permalink( block_value( 'my_post' )->ID ); ?>">
    <?php block_field( 'my_post' ); ?>
$post       = block_value( 'my_post' ); 
$attachment = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'medium' );
$alt_text   = get_post_meta( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
<div class="post-image">
        src="<?php echo $attachment[0]; ?>"
        width="<?php echo $attachment[1]; ?>"
        height="<?php echo $attachment[2]; ?>"
        alt="<?php echo $alt_text; ?>"


The Taxonomy field allows you to select one of your WordPress taxonomies from a searchable dropdown menu.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Taxonomy Type: The taxonomy type filter (e.g. Categories, Tags)

Template Usage

The API will return a WP_Taxonomy object, and echo the Taxonomy's name.

See the WP_Taxonomy class on

$taxonomy = block_value( 'genre' );
<a class="genre-link" href="<?php echo get_permalink( $taxonomy->ID ); ?>"><?php block_field( 'genre' ); ?></a>


The User field allows you to select one of your WordPress users from a searchable dropdown menu.

This field is exclusive to Block Lab Pro.


  • Help Text: Instructions to describe the field.
  • Placeholder Text: The helper text which appears when the input is empty.

Template Usage

The API will return a WP_User object, and echo the user's nicename (the name they've chosen to display publicly).

See the WP_User class on

<span>Created by <?php block_field( 'user' ); ?></span>
<div class="profile-photo">
$user = block_value( 'user' );
echo get_avatar( $user->ID );