Releases: geobtaa/geoblacklight_admin
This release fixes a pagination bug in the GeoBlacklight side of the application. It moves all pagination within GBL Admin and GeoBlacklight to the Pagy gem.
To upgrade, you'll need update your config/initializers/pagy
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.7.0...0.7.1
What's Changed
- Distribution Imports: run in a background queue by @ewlarson in #142
- Feature: Data Dictionaries by @ewlarson in #143
Upgrade Guide
See the upgrade docs for upgrade instructions
Full Changelog: 0.6.3...0.7.0
What's Changed
- Bug Fixes - DocumentDistribution migration rake task by @ewlarson in #125
- Bug Fix: Address controller redirect issues with distributions import by @ewlarson in #128
- Distributions: Remove label as an initializer by @ewlarson in #130
- Distributions: capture errors on import, alert user by @ewlarson in #132
Full Changelog: 0.6.1...0.6.2
What's Changed
- Dockerized - Solr and PG by @ewlarson in #94
- Rails v7.2 support by @ewlarson in #97
- Fix Thumbnails Workflow by @ewlarson in #106
- Thumbnails workflow: make it even simpler by @ewlarson in #107
- Feature - Decouple dct_references_s from the Document model. Add DocumentDistributions for dct_references_s work. by @ewlarson in #115
Upgrade Guide
See the upgrade docs for upgrade instructions
Full Changelog: 0.5.1...0.6.0
This release includes...
- Rails support upated to v7 (min)
- Webpacker removed
- Papertrail updated to v15
- Vite included
- Support for COGs and PMTiles
- Support for XYZ Tiles, WMTS, TileJSON, Tile Map Service
- Bulk Actions: Harvest thumbnails
- Bulk Actions: Delete thumbnails
- Views: add thumbnails to GBL Admin views
- Thumbnails via Statesman
- Assets via Kithe::Assets (Shrine.rb)
- Navbar cleanup
- Ensures node_module
uses v4 and not v5.
Upgrade Notes
What's Changed
- Thumbnail Management via Kithe/Shrine.rb by @ewlarson in #52
- Guard against NIL derivative by @ewlarson in #56
Full Changelog: 0.4.1...0.5.0
This release begins an effort to migrate the GeoblacklightSidecarImages thumbnail harvesting procedure into GBL Admin's world of Kithe/Shrine. It also includes several workflow enhancements to make accessing Import documents easier. The Imports#show page now has links that will display related documents in GBL proper, regardless of publication state — very helpful for sharing with contributors or providers before marking those documents published for public viewing.
Upgrade Notes
For those already running GBL Admin within a GeoBlacklight instance.
- You will need to modify your local catalog_controller.rb file to remove the publication_state default solr parameter.
- You will need to add the new publication state concern to your search_builder.rb model
Review the files changed below for full details.
Full Changelog: 0.3.2...0.4.0
GeoBlacklight Admin v0.3.1
Two bug fixes for running in production:
- Added SVG Bookmark icons to the installer
- Created a "priority" queue for sidekiq, so GBL Admin import and export jobs are never waiting on "default" queue jobs to clear.
What's Changed
- #18 SVG bookmark icons fix by @ewlarson in #21
- Background jobs: set queue priorities by @ewlarson in #24
Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.3.1
GeoBlacklight Admin v0.3.0
This release marks the milestone of the Big Ten Academic Alliance running GeoBlacklight Admin in production. There are still issues to resolve, and I expect some underlying code shifts/refactoring, but the codebase is sound enough for use in our production setting.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.2.1...0.3.0