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4. Starting the App and Getting Oriented

Christina Chortaria edited this page Jan 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

Starting the app & getting oriented to the command line

Before we can begin work:

  • cd workshop-app-2020

Option 1


Start Solr and the Rails web server:

  • gblstack up

Index the solr documents from the "solr_documents" directory:

  • docker exec -it gblstack_web_1 rake geoblacklight:index:directory["solr_documents"]

Option 2


Start Solr and the Rails web server:

  • bundle exec rake geoblacklight:server

Index the solr documents from the "solr_documents" directory:

  • bundle exec rake geoblacklight:index:directory["solr_documents"]

You are effectively starting a version of Solr, indexing it with some sample documents, and then starting a local Rails server. This should take a minute or two to complete, but once it does, visit http://localhost:3000 in a new browser tab. You should see a working GeoBlacklight.

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