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Android has had native theming for awhile now, so Colorful's purpose has been served and the library has been discontinued.


Release Build Status

Colorful is a dynamic theme library allowing you to change your apps' color schemes easily.

Colorful v2 is here! v2 has been rewritten from the ground up in Kotlin to be lighter, faster, and more feature-packed


Colorful is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License

Copyright 2018 Garret Yoder

Image Image Image


Add jitpack to your maven sources

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

Add Colorful as a dependency to your build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.garretyoder:Colorful:2.3.4'



In your Application class, you must initialize Colorful and set the default theme colors.

class SampleApp:Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        val defaults:Defaults = Defaults(
                primaryColor = ThemeColor.GREEN,
                accentColor = ThemeColor.BLUE,
                useDarkTheme = false,
                translucent = false)
        initColorful(this, defaults)

The following is a list of all theme colors available.


Using Themes

Any Activity you wish to be automatically themed must inherit from either CActivity, CAppCompatActivity if you wish to use AppCompat or CMaterialActivity if you wish to use the new Material Componets theme. Note The material componets theme is still beta and is available only in the testing android-p branch. To use the material-componets theme, please add the android-p colorful branch to your gradle build.

class MainActivity : CActivity()
class MainActivity : CAppCompatActivity()

Only available in the android-p branch

class MainActivity : CMaterialActivity()

If you wish to use your own activity, you can manually apply Colorful's theme to any activity using apply(activity:Activity)

Colorful().apply(this, override = true, baseTheme = BaseTheme.THEME_MATERIAL)

The override value will control whether Colorful overrides your activitie's existing base theme, or merely sets primary and accent colors. Note: dark/light themeing will not work when override is disabled The baseTheme value will control which base theme Colorful will use, Appcompat, Material, or Material Componets.

Alternatively, as of Colorful 2.1, you can now have your activity inherit from the interface CThemeInterface which will provide the handleOnCreate and handleOnResume methods for automatic theme handling. See both CActivity and CAppCompatActivity for examples on how to implement the CThemeInterface

Setting The Theme

You can set the colors at any time using the edit() method


You must call apply(context:Context) to save your changes

primaryColor the primary color of your theme. This affects componets such as toolbars, task descriptions, etc accentColor the accent color of your theme. This affects componets such as buttons, sliders, checkboxes, etc darkTheme the base theme of your style. This controls whether the theme is dark or light. translucent This controls whether translucency is enabled. This will turn the status bar translucent or solid

Colorful will handle saving and loading your theme preferences for you.

The apply method optionally takes a high-order function as a argument. This serves as a callback that will be triggered once Colorful has finished it's theme changes. A example usage would be to recreate the current activity after setting a new theme to immediately reflect changes.

    .apply(this) { 

Getting the current theme values

Colorful can provide you with hex string, or android rgb int formatted values for the currently set colors. This is acheived through the ColorPack class, which is a pack that contains both dark and normal variants of the color. These are based off the Material Color Pallet 500 (normal) and 700 (dark) values. Examples are shown below.


Colorful().getDarkTheme() will return a boolean value for whether the dark theme is enabled

Colorful().getTranslucent() will return a boolean value for whether the current style has transluceny enabled.

Custom styles

Colorful has beta support for combining your own styles with it's own. This is not yet guaranteed to work reliably.


The setCustomThemeOverride method will allow Colorful to mix a provided theme with it's own. If you wish to set specific theme items yourself, such as coloring all text orange, you can do this within a style file and then have Colorful merge it with it's own theme.

Custom theme colors

Colorful allows you to define custom themes (e.g. light red primary color with dark yellow accents). If you want to use custom styles you have to do following 3 things:

  1. create styles for your custom themes:
<style name="my_custom_primary_color">
	<item name="android:colorPrimary">@color/md_red_200</item>
	<item name="colorPrimary">@color/md_red_200</item>
<style name="my_custom_primary_dark_color">
	<item name="android:colorPrimaryDark">@color/md_red_400</item>
	<item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/md_red_400</item>
<style name="my_custom_accent_color">
	<item name="android:colorAccent">@color/md_yellow_700</item>
	<item name="colorAccent">@color/md_yellow_700</item>
  1. Create a custom theme color object, like following:
var myCustomColor1 = CustomThemeColor(
	R.color.md_red_200, // <= use the color you defined in my_custom_primary_color
	R.color.md_red_400 // <= use the color you defined in my_custom_primary_dark_color
// used as accent color, dark color is irrelevant...
var myCustomColor2 = CustomThemeColor(
	R.color.md_yellow_700, // <= use the color you defined in my_custom_accent_color
	R.color.md_yellow_700 // <= use the color you defined in my_custom_accent_color
  1. use this custom theme color object like you would use any ThemeColor.<COLOR> enum object, e.g.
var defaults = Defaults(
	primaryColor = myCustomColor1,
	accentColor = myCustomColor2,
	useDarkTheme = true,
	translucent = false,
	customTheme = 0