Implamentation of Linked List, Binary Search Tree and Hash Table.
Some verilog stuff
Many tasks done in prolog, haskell, and c++ to understand concepts in different programming languages.
Simple shell for linux.
Threading mutexes and semaphores practice for linux.
EXT2 filesystem implementation.
Codes developed to perform various tasks on a PIC18F8722 based board. Both in assembly and C, even a simple RTOS project.
Auction systems is ddeveloped with Django framework.
Multi-player alien game developed by Jave Spring-Boot framework.
Some AI stuff.
Implementation of ray-tracing algorithms with c++
Some ML stuff
Multilayer perceptron implementation and some hyperparameter optimizations.
Implementation of k-nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN), hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC),and decision trees.
Support vector machines (SVM) with scikit-learn and implementation of linear regression from scratch.
Implementation of Naive Bayes model and hidden Markov models (HMM) from scratchs.