This quickstart shows how you can use the FSSpec interface to connect to Alluxio. For more information on what to expect, please read the blog Accelerate data loading in large scale ML training with Ray and Alluxio.
Alluxio version >= 309
Launch Alluxio clusters with the example configuration
# only one master, one worker are running in this example
# Critical properties for this example
# UFS address (e.g., the src of data to cache), change it to your bucket
# storage dir
# size of storage dir
# use etcd to keep consistent hashing ring
# default etcd endpoint
# number of vnodes per worker on the ring
# Other optional settings, good to have
Python in range of [3.8, 3.9, 3.10] ray >= 2.8.2 fsspec released after 2023.6
Alluxio fsspec acts as a cache on top of an existing underlying data lake storage connection. The fsspec implementation corresponding to the underlying data lake storage needs to be installed. In the below Alluxio configuration example, Amazon S3 is the data lake storage where the dataset is read from.
To connect to an existing underlying storage, there are two requirements
- Install the underlying storage fsspec
- For all built-in storage fsspec, no extra python libraries are needed to be installed.
- For all third-party storage fsspec, the third-party fsspec python libraries are needed to be installed.
- Set credentials for the underlying data lake storage
Example: Deploy S3 as the underlying data lake storage Install third-party S3 fsspec
pip install s3fs
Directly install the latest published alluxiofs
pip install alluxiofs
[Optional] Install from the source code
git clone [email protected]:fsspec/alluxiofs.git
cd alluxiofs && python3 bdist_wheel && \
pip3 install dist/alluxiofs-<alluxiofs_version>-py3-none-any.whl
bin/alluxio job load --path s3://example_bucket/datasets/ --submit
This will trigger a load job asynchronously with a job ID specified. You can wait until the load finishes or check the progress of this loading process using the following command:
bin/alluxio job load --path s3://example_bucket/datasets/ --progress
Create the Alluxio Filesystem with data backed in S3
import fsspec
from alluxiofs import AlluxioFileSystem
# Register Alluxio to fsspec
fsspec.register_implementation("alluxiofs", AlluxioFileSystem, clobber=True)
# Create Alluxio filesystem
alluxio_fs = fsspec.filesystem("alluxiofs", etcd_hosts="localhost", etcd_port=2379, target_protocol="s3")
Similar to fsspec examples and alluxiofs examples. Note that all the read operations can only succeed if the parent folder has been loaded into Alluxio.
# list files
contents ="s3://apc999/datasets/nyc-taxi-csv/green-tripdata/", detail=True)
# Read files
with"s3://apc999/datasets/nyc-taxi-csv/green-tripdata/green_tripdata_2021-01.csv", "rb") as f:
data =
import fsspec
import ray
from alluxiofs import AlluxioFileSystem
# Register the Alluxio fsspec implementation
fsspec.register_implementation("alluxiofs", AlluxioFileSystem, clobber=True)
alluxio_fs = fsspec.filesystem(
"alluxiofs", etcd_hosts="localhost", target_protocol="s3"
# Pass the initialized Alluxio filesystem to Ray and read the NYC taxi ride data set
ds ="s3://example_bucket/datasets/example.csv", filesystem=alluxio_fs)
# Get a count of the number of records in the single CSV file
# Display the schema derived from the CSV file header record
# Display the header record
# Display the first data record
# Read multiple CSV files:
ds2 ="s3://apc999/datasets/csv_dir/", filesystem=alluxio_fs)
# Get a count of the number of records in the twelve CSV files
# End of Python example
alluxiocommon package is a native enhancement module for alluxiofs based on PyO3 rust bindings. Currently it enhances big reads (multi-page reads from alluxio) by issuing multi-threaded requests to alluxio.
to enable it, first install alluxiocommon package:
pip install alluxiocommon
and when start the Alluxio fsspec instance, add an additional option flag:
alluxio_options = {"alluxio.common.extension.enable" : "True"}
alluxio_fs = fsspec.filesystem(
"alluxiofs", etcd_hosts="localhost", target_protocol="s3",
import fsspec
from alluxiofs import AlluxioFileSystem
# Register the Alluxio fsspec implementation
fsspec.register_implementation("alluxiofs", AlluxioFileSystem, clobber=True)
alluxio_fs = fsspec.filesystem(
"alluxiofs", etcd_hosts="localhost", target_protocol="s3"
# Example 1
# Pass the initialized Alluxio filesystem to Pyarrow and read the data set from the example parquet file
import pyarrow.dataset as ds
dataset = ds.dataset("s3://example_bucket/datasets/example.parquet", filesystem=alluxio_fs)
# Get a count of the number of records in the parquet file
# Display the schema derived from the parquet file header record
# Display the first record
# Example 2
# Create a python-based PyArrow filesystem using FsspecHandler
py_fs = PyFileSystem(FSSpecHandler(alluxio_file_system))
# Read the data by using the Pyarrow filesystem interface
with py_fs.open_input_file("s3://example_bucket/datasets/example.parquet") as f:
alluxio_file_data =
# End of Python example
If you want to benchmark the Python SDK against FUSE, you can run the following command: