An Azure Application Insights exporter implementation for OpenTelemetry Rust.
Disclaimer: This is not an official Microsoft product.
Configure a OpenTelemetry pipeline using the Application Insights exporter and start creating spans (this example requires the opentelemetry-http/reqwest feature):
use opentelemetry::{global, trace::Tracer};
use opentelemetry_sdk::trace::SdkTracerProvider;
fn main() {
let connection_string = std::env::var("APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING").unwrap();
let exporter = opentelemetry_application_insights::Exporter::new_from_connection_string(
.expect("valid connection string");
let tracer_provider = SdkTracerProvider::builder()
let tracer = global::tracer("example");
tracer.in_span("main", |_cx| {});
See documentation for more:
Huge thanks goes to Denis Molokanov for the amazing appinsights crate. Check it out if you want a more direct integration with Application Insights.
The only official documentation I could find is this one. Follow the links to see the data model and endpoint description.
Can I send telemetry to the Application Insights portal?
We recommend you use our SDKs and use the SDK API. There are variants of the SDK for various platforms. These SDKs handle buffering, compression, throttling, retries, and so on. However, the ingestion schema and endpoint protocol are public.