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File metadata and controls

218 lines (166 loc) · 12.1 KB

Foxglove CLI

Interact with data stored remotely in the Foxglove platform, directly from the command line.

Once you've installed the CLI tool, run foxglove -h from the command line for a complete list of subcommands, arguments, and usage details.


Download the latest release for your OS and architecture:

linux/amd64 curl -L -o foxglove && chmod +x foxglove
macos/amd64 curl -L -o foxglove && chmod +x foxglove
windows/amd64 curl -L -o foxglove.exe
linux/arm64 curl -L -o foxglove && chmod +x foxglove
macos/arm64 curl -L -o foxglove && chmod +x foxglove
windows/arm64 curl -L -o foxglove.exe

To install a specific release, see the releases page.

Alternatively, install the CLI tool from source (requires Go >= 1.21) – this will install it to $GOPATH/bin:

$ git clone [email protected]:foxglove/foxglove-cli.git
$ make install

Getting started

Create a free Foxglove account to start importing and interacting with data.


Log in to your Foxglove account from the command line:

$ foxglove auth login

Alternatively, you can configure the tool to use a Foxglove API key:

$ foxglove auth configure-api-key

This will overwrite any previously set credential. Use the API key settings page to add the capabilities you intend to use (e.g. data.upload for importing data, for exporting, etc.).


Before importing data, you must first create a device:

$ foxglove devices add --name RobotA
    Device created: dev_drpLqjBZYUzus3gv

List all devices:

$ foxglove devices list
    |          ID          |        NAME        |      CREATED AT      |      UPDATED AT      |
    | dev_mHH1Cp4gPybCPR8y | Adrian's Robot     | 2021-10-28T17:20:55Z | 2021-10-28T17:20:55Z |
    | dev_WEJUVEOVApoIpe1M | GPS                | 2021-11-01T17:38:55Z | 2021-11-01T17:38:55Z |
    | dev_drpLqjBZYUzus3gv | updog              | 2021-11-25T02:22:45Z | 2021-11-25T02:22:45Z |
    | dev_lwjzOMxryMmP3yXg | nuScenes-v1.0-mini | 2021-12-09T21:45:51Z | 2021-12-09T21:45:51Z |


Import ROS 1 bag and MCAP files into the Foxglove platform:

$ foxglove data import ~/data/bags/gps.bag --device-name RobotA

List all imports:

$ foxglove data imports list
    |              IMPORT ID               |      DEVICE ID       |              FILENAME              |     IMPORT TIME      |        START         |         END          | INPUT TYPE | OUTPUT TYPE | INPUT SIZE | TOTAL OUTPUT SIZE |
    | 55c8480b-0fef-243a-ea74-f07063f51c6e | dev_flm75pLkfzUBX2DH | demo.bag                           | 2022-01-28T22:37:44Z | 2017-03-22T02:26:20Z | 2017-03-22T02:26:27Z | bag1       | mcap0       | 70311473   | 68833788          |
    | 31285b3d-3f97-ea58-3751-a1597ae3f16f | dev_Wm1gvryKJmREqnVT | transbot_2022-02-21-21-58-17_1.bag | 2022-02-21T22:03:32Z | 2022-02-21T21:58:17Z | 2022-02-21T21:58:21Z | bag1       | mcap0       | 12823      | 8847              |
    | 837cfa3e-541e-9540-1c7a-a1f1b3ef3694 | dev_jCuXYeFwCkZowpHs | gps4.bag                           | 2022-03-17T12:34:34Z | 2021-03-22T15:03:38Z | 2021-03-22T15:09:18Z | bag1       | mcap0       | 5321782    | 1619916           |
    | 820e51d8-9f1d-8ec5-f586-41bbaa87d45d | dev_JOgi4YiCRgaoszKw | input.bag                          | 2021-11-02T16:34:49Z | 2016-11-18T23:46:10Z | 2016-11-18T23:51:25Z | bag1       | mcap0       | 1770886024 | 1571403963        |
    | 8f563534-264d-ad79-b404-684c8639d4a0 | dev_Wm1gvryKJmREqnVT | transbot_2022-02-21-19-44-47_1.bag | 2022-02-21T20:12:54Z | 2022-02-21T19:44:47Z | 2022-02-21T19:44:47Z | bag1       | mcap0       | 10964      | 8196              |
    | b8c45da6-2110-8c77-370f-a6ec482cdcf6 | dev_Wm1gvryKJmREqnVT | transbot_2022-02-21-22-49-04_0.bag | 2022-02-21T22:50:48Z | 2022-02-21T22:49:05Z | 2022-02-21T22:49:23Z | bag1       | mcap0       | 16734      | 10688             |
    | 0a400ef1-3892-1c6c-3a38-c0a80ed85749 | dev_JtSXCGiM0RC2YHDO | nuscenes.bag                       | 2022-02-24T15:13:32Z | 2018-07-24T03:28:47Z | 2018-07-24T03:29:06Z | bag1       | mcap0       | 87397054   | 85923915          |
    | 0a400ef1-3892-1c6c-3a38-c0a80ed85749 | dev_mHH1Cp4gPybCPR8y | nuscenes-0061-v1.bag               | 2022-01-11T22:05:09Z | 2018-07-24T03:28:47Z | 2018-07-24T03:29:06Z | bag1       | mcap0       | 87397054   | 85923915          |
    | 5ad56d95-7dcc-f12a-9b09-0f4d4ec9e2e5 | dev_mHH1Cp4gPybCPR8y | input.bag                          | 2021-11-03T23:21:37Z | 2017-03-22T02:26:20Z | 2017-03-22T02:26:26Z | bag1       | mcap0       | 32761      | 38542             |


Retrieve data for a device, time range, and optional list of topics, and export it directly to the console (--output-format json) or to a new file (--output-format mcap0 or --output-format bag1):

# Output JSON (directly to console)
$ foxglove data export --device-name RobotA --start 2001-01-01T00:00:00Z --end 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z --topics /tf --output-format json | head -n 5

# Output MCAP file (output.mcap)
$ foxglove data export --device-name RobotA --start 2001-01-01T00:00:00Z --end 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z --output-format mcap0 --topics /gps/fix,/gps/fix_velocity > output.mcap

# Output ROS 1 bag file (output.bag)
$ foxglove data export --device-name RobotA --start 2001-01-01T00:00:00Z --end 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z --output-format bag1 --topics /gps/fix,/gps/fix_velocity > output.bag

If you've output a file, inspect its contents:

# MCAP file
$ mcap info output.mcap
    library: mcap go #(devel); fg-data-platform-db07abe7
    profile: ros1
    messages: 6728
    duration: 5m39.304931438s
    start: 2021-03-22T08:03:38.473036858-07:00 (1616425418.473036858)
    end: 2021-03-22T08:09:17.777968296-07:00 (1616425757.777968296)
            lz4: [1/1 chunks] (86.05%)
            (1) /gps/fix           3364 msgs (9.91 Hz)   : sensor_msgs/NavSatFix [ros1msg]
            (2) /gps/fix_velocity  3364 msgs (9.91 Hz)   : geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped [ros1msg]
    attachments: 0

# ROS 1 bag file
$ rosbag reindex output.bag
$ rosbag info output.bag
    path:         output.bag
    version:      2.0
    duration:     5:39s (339s)
    start:        Mar 22 2021 08:03:38.47 (1616425418.47)
    end:          Mar 22 2021 08:09:17.78 (1616425757.78)
    size:         328.6 KB
    messages:     6728
    compression:  lz4 [1/1 chunks; 12.87%]
    uncompressed:   1.8 MB @ 5.5 KB/s
    compressed:   240.0 KB @ 0.7 KB/s (12.87%)
    types:        geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped [b00b6ce36bf21f646151de97da2c485c]
                  sensor_msgs/NavSatFix                    [7f6e605ad1e52d05162190ff17be80b6]
    topics:       /gps/fix            3364 msgs    : sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
                  /gps/fix_velocity   3364 msgs    : geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped


Create events to denote instances or time ranges of interest:

$ foxglove events add --device-id dev_mHH1Cp4gPybCPR8y \
    --start 2023-04-19T13:26:37.030302Z --end 2023-04-19T13:26:37.030302Z \
    --metadata requires-labeling:true

List all events:

$ foxglove events list
|          ID          |      DEVICE ID       |            START            |             END             |        CREATED AT        |        UPDATED AT        |           METADATA           |
| evt_N6doUtPYh8i7iZxf | dev_jCuXYeFwCkZowpHs | 2023-04-19T13:22:44.194041Z | 2023-04-19T13:22:44.194041Z | 2023-04-19T13:22:44.263Z | 2023-04-19T13:22:44.263Z | {}                           |
| evt_idMGJImlICYP4dcy | dev_mHH1Cp4gPybCPR8y | 2023-04-19T13:26:37.030302Z | 2023-04-19T13:26:37.030302Z | 2023-04-19T13:26:37.080Z | 2023-04-19T13:26:37.080Z | {"requires-labeling":"true"} |


With a Foxglove Team plan, you can upload and share extensions within your organization.

Create and package an extension with the foxglove-extension tool.

Publish an extension to install it for all Foxglove organization members:

$ foxglove extensions upload ./my-extension.1.0.0.foxe

Use this same command to update an existing extension with a newer version – the last published version of an extension will be installed across your organization.

List all extensions:

$ foxglove extensions list
            "id": "ext_BsGXKGsZ9c4WQF1",
            "name": "my_new_panel",
            "publisher": "panel-publisher",
            "displayName": "My New Panel",
            "description": "Creates a panel",
            "activeVersion": "1.0.0",
            "sha256Sum": "395c3af8745ab104cd902d937366719a402bda4677ed3671cb38522c1ba13cbe"

Unpublish an extension by its ID to delete its files and uninstall it for all Foxglove organization members:

$ foxglove extensions unpublish ext_BsGXKGsZ9c4WQF1

Shell autocompletion

Certain shells (bash, zsh, fish, and PowerShell) support autocompletion for subcommands and certain parameters (like device IDs).

To enable this, consult your shell instructions under $ foxglove completion <shell> -h.