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Serverless Code Build

A bot automates pull requests delivery. It implements lightweight CI/CD pipelines, which are capable to deliver your microservices to cloud environments. This projects allows you to forget about housekeeping and administration of Jenkins or similar systems. The bot suites small engineering teams who owns entire life cycle of application.


The bot is optimized to support either forking or branching workflow. Please see Atlassian tutorial about them. As part of these workflows, it puts a strong focus to support engineering team with continuous integration, continuous delivery and continuous deployment of microservices. Continuous deployment is a key here. Please takes a look on few posts about this subject

Practical continuous deployment: a guide to automated software delivery

Continuous Deployment at Instagram

Why this bot exists?

We are building our solutions using small-decoupled deliverables - microservices. Our CI/CI still looks like monolith. Containers are the right approach to configure and deliver build environments, so called build toolkit. This bot provides an integration layer to AWS CodeBuild, which is a fully managed continuous integration service. These build toolkit are fully managed in your AWS account, which gives extra visibility on your processes.

The Code Build Bot does similar things as AWS Code Pipeline with an exception everything happens inside single CodeBuild session. Code Pipeline do have cost factor unless you are using Monorepo. My workflows are optimized to gain most of productivity using Multirepo. You can easily inflate Code Pipeline costs above $1200 per year. Secondly, the bot supports both private and open source projects, you pay only for usage of AWS CodeBuild.

Infrastructure as a Code is only the right way to manage cloud resources. The provisioning and deployment of cloud resources shall be aligned with a service delivery and orchestrated by CI/CD system. This bot supports IaaC automation using either Cloud Formation or AWS CDK. The deployment automation is a key feature here, please see my workflow for details.

Often, flexibility on configurations becomes an issue if you are using custom CI/CD API or point-and-click UIs, especially if you are aiming 100% automation. Everything shall be code including CI/CD pipelines. The Code Build Bot promotes usage of AWS CDK or shell scripts to implement delivery pipelines. This is extremely important with modern processes that relies on heterogenous technologies (e.g. npm is optimized for building and packaging JavaScript application but this is a wrong tool to make cloud deployments - cdk shall be used).

As developer I want to have a repeatable pipelines so that exactly same automation pipeline is executed by CI/CD and myself while testing/development. This overlooked if your team follows segregation of application development from operations (DevOps). This also means co-allocation of pipelines configuration next to application code.

This bot helps to offload privacy and secret management to AWS services such as KMS, Secrets Manager or other. This feature allows you to host open-source applications with full automation on lifecycle management while retain confidentiality about your deployments.

Afterwords, CI/CD is not a rocket science. The market is full of various solution. Almost all cloud providers has they own, almost any software version control system offers they own. You have to choose a solution that suites your workflow. The Code Build Bot has been developed just to resolve my customization requirements. I'd like to have a depth sense of machinery that makes an automation build with AWS serverless technology stack.


Entire workflow does not differ at all from forking or branching. It just emphasis continuous deployment as a key feature along the workflow. It supports integration testing and helps to eliminate all related issues at earlier phases of feature delivery process:

  1. The master branch of your project is always latest deployable snapshot of a software asset. The bot automates the master snapshot deployments every time when new feature is merged.

  2. The feature integration into master is implemented through pull request. The bot executes automated pull request deployment to sandbox environment every time a new changes is proposed by developers (each commit). The deployments happens after quality checks are successfully completed. The sandbox environment gives you possibility to execute integration tests.

  3. The merge of pull request triggers the deployment of master branch into the latest environment. Use this environment for features validation before delivery to live

  4. The delivery of latest environment to live is automated using git tags. A provisioning a new tag caused an new immutable deployment of your application to live environment, which makes it compliant with green/blue deployment schemas.

Getting started

The latest version of the bot is available at its master branch. All development, including new features and bug fixes, take place on the master branch using forking and pull requests as described in contribution guidelines.

CodeBuildBot deployment requires TypeScript, AWS CDK and valid AWS credentials.

npm install -g aws-cdk typescript ts-node

You have to configure the bot behavior before the installation

## Create a personal access token at GitHub with repo level permissions
export GITHUB_TOKEN=deadbeefa1facecafe

## Allocate a api secret key to protect your api
export API_KEY=secret

## The domain to deploy Code Bot api
## (e.g. 

Use Makefile orchestration to build and deploy the bot to your AWS account.


## ...
## CodeBuildBot: deploying...
## CodeBuildBot: creating CloudFormation changeset...
## ...
## Outputs:
##  CodeBuildBot.RestApiGatewayEndpoint =

Configure build environments

A build environment is a docker container at your AWS ECR that contains all necessary utilities to execute your build. Please see AWS samples. A code snippet below show a minimal build environment for serverless TypeScript applications.

FROM amazonlinux:2.0.20190508

RUN set -eu \
    && curl --silent --location | bash - \
    && yum install -y nodejs \
    && npm install -g typescript ts-node aws-cdk

CodeBuildBot provides few production ready build environments:

  • docker assemblies and publishes docker images.
  • serverless tests, builds and deploys serverless applications.

Configure projects

Configure the WebHook for your repositories

  • Payload URL
  • Content type application/json
  • Secret (value of API_KEY) secret
  • Pick individual events
    • Branch or tag deletion
    • Branch or tag creation
    • Pull requests
    • Pushes

Add .codebuild.json to your project. The file supports auto-configuration of CodeBuild projects to your account, which is created during the first build.

  // reference to build environment
  "image": "code-build/serverless",

  // users who's contribution is automatically deployed
  // you can disable deployments if the list is empty
  "approver": ["fogfish"],

  // placeholder of CodeBuild envs, use them to delivery
  // private config to build
  "env": ["CONFIG_FEATURE"]

Then, it is required to define build pipelines using build specification. The CodeBuildBot supports following pipelines

  • checkspec.yml checks quality of the pull request. The Bot executes the pipeline for each pull request and they commits if they are originated from external developers.
  • buildspec.yml builds and deploys software assets. The Bot executes the pipeline for each pull request, they commits and master branch events.
  • cleanspec.yml cleans software deployments when pull request is merged to master branch.
  • carryspec.yml carries the software assets to live environment. The Bot executes the pipeline when any branch is tagged (released) by the owner.




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