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Unity Flurry SDK (unity-flurry-sdk)

A Unity plugin for Flurry SDK

Flurry Push for messaging and Flurry Config for remote configuration are supported by our plugin!

Table of contents


The Flurry SDK Unity plugin is available via the Unity Asset Store and Github.


Note: is now bundled in the aar format. Please manually remove imported by the previous release from the Assets/Plugins/Android folder.

  • To improve analytics identities, please see Manual Flurry Android SDK Integration for adding Google Play Services library in your app by including play-services-ads-identifier libraries.

  • Flurry Push
    In order to use Flurry Push for Android, please follow the additional steps below:

    1. Follow Set up a Firebase Cloud Messaging client app with Unity. Complete to the 5th step for importing Firebase SDK. There should be a file google-services.json in your project's Android folder now. You do not need to provide any setup codes here.

    2. Please rename the following Android manifest template file Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest_Flurry-template.xml that comes with the Flurry SDK plugin to AndroidManifest.xml, and merge the contents with yours if needed. You need to replace AndroidManifest.xml generated by Firebase with Flurry's.

        <!-- Flurry Messaging services; do not modify -->
        <service android:name=""
            <action android:name="" />
    3. If you want to customize Flurry Push notification, please configure an Android entry point Application and update the metadata section in your AndroidManifest.xml. Example can be found at

        <!-- Flurry Agent settings; please update -->
        <meta-data android:name="flurry_apikey" android:value="FLURRY_ANDROID_API_KEY" />
        <meta-data android:name="flurry_with_crash_reporting" android:value="true" />
        <meta-data android:name="flurry_with_continue_session_millis" android:value="10000L" />
        <meta-data android:name="flurry_with_include_background_sessions_in_metrics" android:value="true" />
        <meta-data android:name="flurry_with_log_enabled" android:value="true" />
        <meta-data android:name="flurry_with_log_level" android:value="2" />
        <meta-data android:name="flurry_with_messaging" android:value="true" />
    4. Add notification permission in the Android manifest file. (required on the Android 13 and above devices.)

       <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />
    5. Set up "Android Authorization" in Flurry Push Authorization.

  • Flurry plugin released aar libraries in the package. If your apps change the default searching path, please remember to include the aar type.

    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'])


For further details on configuring xcode for push notifications see here: Flurry Push for Unity iOS.

There are some minor differences between the Android and iOS plugin:

  • iOS does not make use of the messaging listeners in C-sharp. Delegate methods didReceiveMessage/didReceiveActionWithIdentifier in may be optionally modified to customize app behavior.
  • iOS does not have an equivalent method for Android's GetReleaseVersion method.
  • iOS does not yet have an equivalent method for Android's LogPayment method, however if SetIAPReportingEnabled is set to true Flurry will automatically track in app purchases.


  • Example.cs

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using FlurrySDK;
    public class FlurryStart : MonoBehaviour
        private readonly string FLURRY_API_KEY = FLURRY_ANDROID_API_KEY;
    #elif UNITY_IPHONE
        private readonly string FLURRY_API_KEY = FLURRY_IOS_API_KEY;
        private readonly string FLURRY_API_KEY = null;
        void Start()
            // Note: When enabling Messaging, Flurry Android should be initialized by using AndroidManifest.xml.
            // Initialize Flurry once.
            new Flurry.Builder()
                      .WithMessaging(true, new MyMessagingListener())
            // Example to get Flurry versions.
            Debug.Log("AgentVersion: " + Flurry.GetAgentVersion());
            Debug.Log("ReleaseVersion: " + Flurry.GetReleaseVersion());
            // Set Flurry preferences.
            // Set user preferences.
            // Set user properties.
            Flurry.UserProperties.Set(Flurry.UserProperties.PROPERTY_REGISTERED_USER, "True");
            // Log Flurry events.
            Flurry.EventRecordStatus status = Flurry.LogEvent("Unity Event");
            Debug.Log("Log Unity Event status: " + status);
            // Log Flurry timed events with parameters.
            IDictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            parameters.Add("Author", "Flurry");
            parameters.Add("Status", "Registered");
            status = Flurry.LogEvent("Unity Event Params Timed", parameters, true);
            Debug.Log("Log Unity Event with parameters timed status: " + status);
            Flurry.EndTimedEvent("Unity Event Params Timed");
            // Log Flurry standard events.
            status = Flurry.LogEvent(Flurry.Event.APP_ACTIVATED);
            Debug.Log("Log Unity Standard Event status: " + status);
            Flurry.EventParams stdParams = new Flurry.EventParams()
                .PutDouble (Flurry.EventParam.TOTAL_AMOUNT, 34.99)
                .PutBoolean(Flurry.EventParam.SUCCESS, true)
                .PutString (Flurry.EventParam.ITEM_NAME, "book 1")
                .PutString ("note", "This is an awesome book to purchase !!!");
            status = Flurry.LogEvent(Flurry.Event.PURCHASED, stdParams);
            Debug.Log("Log Unity Standard Event with parameters status: " + status);
  • Config.cs

    // Register Config listener
    Flurry.Config.RegisterListener(new MyConfigListener());
    public class MyConfigListener : Flurry.IConfigListener
        public void OnFetchSuccess()
            Debug.Log("Config Fetch Completed with state: Success");
        public void OnFetchNoChange()
            Debug.Log("Config Fetch Completed with state: No Change");
        public void OnFetchError(bool isRetrying)
            Debug.Log("Config Fetch Completed with state: Fail - " + (isRetrying ? "Retrying" : "End"));
        public void OnActivateComplete(bool isCache)
            Debug.Log("Config Fetch Completed with state: Activate Completed - " + (isCache ? "Cached" : "New"));
        private void complete()
            string welcome_message =  Flurry.Config.GetString("welcome_message", "Welcome!");
            Debug.Log("Get Config Welcome message: " + welcome_message);
  • Messaging.cs

    // Set Messaging listener
    new Flurry.Builder()
              .WithMessaging(true, new MyMessagingListener())
    public class MyMessagingListener : Flurry.IMessagingListener
        // If you would like to handle the notification yourself, return true to notify Flurry
        // you've handled it, and Flurry will not show the notification.
        public bool OnNotificationReceived(Flurry.FlurryMessage message)
            Debug.Log("Flurry Messaging Notification Received: " + message.Title);
            return false;
        // If you would like to handle the notification yourself, return true to notify Flurry
        // you've handled it, and Flurry will not launch the app or "click_action" activity.
        public bool OnNotificationClicked(Flurry.FlurryMessage message)
            Debug.Log("Flurry Messaging Notification Clicked: " + message.Title);
            return false;
        public void OnNotificationCancelled(Flurry.FlurryMessage message)
            Debug.Log("Flurry Messaging Notification Cancelled: " + message.Title);
        public void OnTokenRefresh(string token)
            Debug.Log("Flurry Messaging Token Refresh: " + token);
        public void OnNonFlurryNotificationReceived(IDisposable nonFlurryMessage)
            Debug.Log("Flurry Messaging Non-Flurry Notification.");
  • Publisher.cs

    // Register Publisher Segmentation listener
    Flurry.PublisherSegmentation.RegisterListener(new MyPublisherSegmentationListener());
    public class MyPublisherSegmentationListener : Flurry.IPublisherSegmentationListener
        public void OnFetched(IDictionary<string, string> data)
            string segments;
            data.TryGetValue("segments", out segments);
            Debug.Log("Flurry Publisher Segmentation Fetched: " + segments);

API Reference

See Android-(FlurryAgent) / iOS-(Flurry) for the Flurry references.

  • Methods in Flurry.Builder to initialize Flurry Agent

    Builder WithAppVersion(string appVersion); // iOS only. For Android, please use Flurry.setVersionName() instead.
    Builder WithContinueSessionMillis(long sessionMillis);
    Builder WithCrashReporting(bool crashReporting);
    Builder WithGppConsent(string gppString, ISet<int> gppSectionIds); // Android only
    Builder WithDataSaleOptOut(bool isOptOut);
    Builder WithIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics(bool includeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics);
    Builder WithLogEnabled(bool enableLog);
    Builder WithLogLevel(Flurry.LogLevel logLevel); // LogLevel = { VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ASSERT }
    Builder WithReportLocation(bool reportLocation); // Android only
    Builder WithMessaging(bool enableMessaging, IMessagingListener messagingListener);
    Builder WithPerformanceMetrics(Flurry.Performance performanceMetrics); // Performance = { NONE, COLD_START, SCREEN_TIME, ALL }
    Builder WithSslPinningEnabled(bool sslPinningEnabled); // Android only
    void Build(string apiKey);
  • Methods to set Flurry preferences

    void SetContinueSessionMillis(long sessionMillis);
    void SetCrashReporting(bool crashReporting);
    void SetIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics(bool includeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics);
    void SetLogEnabled(bool enableLog);
    void SetLogLevel(Flurry.LogLevel logLevel); // LogLevel = { VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ASSERT }
    void SetSslPinningEnabled(bool sslPinningEnabled); // Android only
  • Methods to set user preferences

    void SetAge(int age);
    void SetGender(Flurry.Gender gender); // Gender = { Male, Female }
    void SetReportLocation(bool reportLocation);
    void SetSessionOrigin(string originName, string deepLink);
    void SetUserId(string userId);
    void SetVersionName(string versionName); // Android only. For iOS, please use Flurry.Builder.WithAppVersion() instead.
    void AddOrigin(string originName, string originVersion);
    void AddOrigin(string originName, string originVersion, IDictionary<string, string> originParameters);
    void AddSessionProperty(string name, string value);
  • Methods to set privacy preferences

    bool SetGppConsent(string gppString, ISet<int> gppSectionIds); // Android only
    void SetDataSaleOptOut(bool isOptOut);
    void DeleteData();
    void OpenPrivacyDashboard();
  • Methods in Flurry.UserProperties to set user properties

    // Standard User Properties: Flurry.UserProperties = {
    void Set(string propertyName, string propertyValue);
    void Set(string propertyName, List<string> propertyValues);
    void Add(string propertyName, string propertyValue);
    void Add(string propertyName, List<string> propertyValues);
    void Remove(string propertyName);
    void Remove(string propertyName, string propertyValue);
    void Remove(string propertyName, List<string> propertyValues);
    void Flag(string propertyName);
  • Methods to get Flurry versions

    int GetAgentVersion();
    string GetReleaseVersion();
    string GetSessionId();  
  • Methods to log Flurry events

    enum EventRecordStatus {
    EventRecordStatus LogEvent(string eventId);
    EventRecordStatus LogEvent(string eventId, IDictionary<string, string> parameters);
    EventRecordStatus LogEvent(string eventId, bool timed);
    EventRecordStatus LogEvent(string eventId, IDictionary<string, string> parameters, bool timed);
    void EndTimedEvent(string eventId);
    void EndTimedEvent(string eventId, IDictionary<string, string> parameters);
    EventRecordStatus LogEvent(Flurry.Event eventId, Flurry.EventParams parameters);
    void OnPageView(); // Deprecated, API removed, no longer supported by Flurry.
    void OnError(string errorId, string message, string errorClass);
    void OnError(string errorId, string message, string errorClass, IDictionary<string, string> parameters);
    void LogBreadcrumb(string crashBreadcrumb);
    EventRecordStatus LogPayment(string productName, string productId, int quantity, double price,
                                 string currency, string transactionId, IDictionary<string, string> parameters);
  • Methods to set Flurry.EventParams

    EventParams EventParams();
    EventParams EventParams(EventParams paramsSource);
    IDictionary<object, string> GetParams();
    EventParams Clear();
    EventParams Remove(EventParamBase param);
    EventParams Remove(string key);
    EventParams PutAll(EventParams paramsSource);
    EventParams PutString(StringEventParam param, string value);
    EventParams PutString(string key, string value);
    EventParams PutInteger(IntegerEventParam param, int value);
    EventParams PutInteger(string key, int value);
    EventParams PutLong(IntegerEventParam param, long value);
    EventParams PutLong(string key, long value);
    EventParams PutDouble(DoubleEventParam param, double value);
    EventParams PutDouble(string key, double value);
    EventParams PutBoolean(BooleanEventParam param, bool value);
    EventParams PutBoolean(string key, bool value);
  • Methods to enable IAP reporting (iOS)

    void SetIAPReportingEnabled(bool enableIAP);
  • Methods to set the iOS conversion value sent to Apple through SKAdNetwork (iOS)

    void UpdateConversionValue(int conversionValue)
    void UpdateConversionValueWithEvent(Flurry.SKAdNetworkEvent flurryEvent); // SKAdNetworkEvent = { NoEvent, Registration, Login, Subscription, InAppPurchase }
  • Methods in Flurry.Performance for Flurry Performance Metrics

    void StartResourceLogger();
    void LogResourceLogger(string id);
    void ReportFullyDrawn();
  • Methods in Flurry.Config for Flurry Config

    void Fetch();
    void Activate();
    void RegisterListener  (IConfigListener configListener);
    void UnregisterListener(IConfigListener configListener);
    string GetString(string key, string defaultValue);
    interface IConfigListener
        void OnFetchSuccess();
        void OnFetchNoChange();
        void OnFetchError(bool isRetrying);
        void OnActivateComplete(bool isCache);
  • Methods for Messaging (Flurry Push)

    interface IMessagingListener
        bool OnNotificationReceived(FlurryMessage message);
        bool OnNotificationClicked(FlurryMessage message);
        void OnNotificationCancelled(FlurryMessage message);
        void OnTokenRefresh(string token);
        void OnNonFlurryNotificationReceived(IDisposable nonFlurryMessage);
    class FlurryMessage
        string Title;
        string Body;
        string ClickAction;
        IDictionary<string, string> Data;
  • Methods in Flurry.PublisherSegmentation for Flurry Publisher Segmentation

    void Fetch();
    void RegisterListener  (IPublisherSegmentationListener publisherSegmentationListener);
    void UnregisterListener(IPublisherSegmentationListener publisherSegmentationListener);
    IDictionary<string, string> GetData();
    interface IPublisherSegmentationListener
        void OnFetched(IDictionary<string, string> data);



Copyright 2022 Yahoo Inc.

This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 open source license. Please refer to LICENSE for the full terms.


Unity plugin for Flurry SDK



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