My dotfiles are synchronized with stow. To link a single configuration or the entire dotfiles to your local config folder, do stow --adopt $FOLDER or stow --adopt *, respectively.
Type | Name |
OS | Arch Linux |
Colorscheme | Gruvbox |
Terminal Emulator | Kitty |
Editor | Neovim |
Shell | fish |
Compositor | Picom |
Status Bar | Polybar |
Tiling Window Manager | i3-gaps |
Font | JetBrains Mono Nerd Font |
Application Launcher | Rofi |
A show-case of my configuration from my work on telescope-hop.nvim.
Plugins | Description |
telescope.nvim | Fuzzy finder |
nvim-treesitter | Syntax highlighting & text objects |
neogit | A little magit for neovim |
vim-slime | REPL |
galaxyline.nvim | Statusline |
nvim-lspconfig | Built-in LSP |
- Commenting neovim config
- Screenshots