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Releases: fabianfett/swift-lambda-runtime

LambdaRuntime v0.6.0

15 Apr 11:25
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LambdaRuntime v0.6.0 Pre-release

This is release brings support for Swift 5.2.

Thanks so much to @alfavata for moving this forward.

LambdaRuntime v0.5.0

16 Jan 10:40
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LambdaRuntime v0.5.0 Pre-release

Breaking change

Renamed the class LambdaRuntime to just Runtime. Since we used LambdaRuntime for the library as well as the main class LambdaRuntime there was no way for the compiler to know if we speak about the class or the namespace. Therefore using the swift namespace was completely broken. (#26)

I was made aware of the problem here:

This also needs to be fixed in swift-aws-sdk:

With LambdaRuntime and AWSSDKSwift working in the same problem space, issues are very likely in the room of naming. For this reason this needs to be addressed as soon as possible, which is why I decided to do the breaking sooner rather than later.

LambdaRuntime v0.4.0

14 Jan 23:49
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LambdaRuntime v0.4.0 Pre-release
  • New Library: LambdaRuntimeTestUtils Use this target to create your own Invocation and Context for testing (#21, #20) Thanks so much @mr-j-tree for your contribution.
  • New Library: LambdaEvents All predefined events now live here. They are imported into LambdaRuntime with the @_exported keyword. Therefore it is not necessary as a consumer of LambdaRuntime to also import LambdaEvents. (#22, #15)
  • Body parsing in multiple events is now implemented through the DecodableBody protocol. The payload method in APIGatway.Request and SNS.Message is now deprecated and will be removed before 1.0.0. (#19 #17)
  • New supported event: S3.Event (#14, #18)
  • Renamed examples folder (it is now lowercase)

LambdaRuntime v0.3.0

11 Jan 12:29
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LambdaRuntime v0.3.0 Pre-release

This release improves the number of ready to use events. Please try them out.

Added the following Event types (#5):

  • ALB Event
  • Cloudwatch Event
  • SQS Event
  • SNS Event
  • DynamoDB Event

Improvements to:

  • APIGateway handling

Added multi purpose type:

  • Added AWSNumber (Thanks for the idea @Ro-M.)

Improved documentation (#12). Thanks @mr-j-tree and welcome to this effort!

LambdaRuntime v0.2.0

31 Dec 13:42
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LambdaRuntime v0.2.0 Pre-release

This Version changes everything. Sorry. But growing up always comes with a pain.

  • New package name: swift-lambda-runtime. The library is now called LambdaRuntime (#11)
  • The Runtime now only has one handler function. This is more in line with the go sdk. The developer still has the option to specify different handler methods by using the env variable _HANDLER
  • The runtime is now intended to be used with the amazonlinux-swift project. That is why the makefile to extract Swift libraries from the Ubuntu Swift Dockerimage has been removed.
  • swift-base64-kit has been added as a dependency to support future Event types.
  • It is possible now to not return a result from the function (#10)
  • The synchronous interface has been removed.
  • The documentation has been changed to reflect the changes.
  • The documentation explains how to create a development image (#9)

AWSLambda v0.1.0

21 Nov 17:45
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AWSLambda v0.1.0 Pre-release

The very first release! Feedback highly welcome.