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Messaging Documentation


The Messaging library empowers seamless communication between various components that make up your browser extension. Here's a breakdown of supported components and how they interact through Messaging:


To utilize Messaging within a component, import the necessary functions using clear naming conventions:

import { onMessage, sendMessage } from "@ext-browser/messaging/{{extensionComponent}}";


Below are supported extensionComponent

  • background
  • content:{tabId} (Broswer Tab Id)
  • contentWindow (With Special Handling See Below)
  • devtools:{tabId} (Broswer Tab Id)
  • popup
  • sidepanel

Each supported component provides two essential functions for communication:

onMessage(eventName, callback)

Registers a listener function (callback) that is invoked whenever a message with the specified eventName is received from any component. The callback function typically receives the message data as an argument.

import { onMessage } from "@ext-browser/messaging/popup";

onMessage("EXTENSION_SETTINGS_UPDATED", async (data) => {
    return { settings: true };

sendMessage(extensionComponent, eventName, data)

Sends a message to a specific component identified by recipient. The eventName acts as a message identifier, and the data parameter carries the information you want to transmit.

import { sendMessage } from "@ext-browser/messaging/background";

const response = await sendMessage("popup", "EXTENSION_SETTINGS_UPDATED", { theme: "dark" })


The Messaging library empowers seamless communication within your browser extension. However, content scripts injected with ExecutionWorld.ISOLATED present a unique challenge due to their separation from the main window environment. To bridge this gap, the library provides two communication methods:

Bridging the Gap with onWindowMessage

  • Content Script (Isolated)

    • Listen for messages from the main window using onWindowMessage.
    • Forward it to other extension component using sendMessage.
    • Send message to window content using sendToWindow.
import { sendMessage, sendToWindow, onMessage, onWindowMessage } from "@ext-browser/messaging/content";

// Send data to the main content script (ExecutionWorld.MAIN)
sendToWindow("EVENT", { key: true });

// Listen for events from the main content script
onWindowMessage("BUTTON_CLICKED", (data) => {
    // Forward the event to other components (e.g., popup)
    sendMessage("popup", "BUTTON_CLICKED", data);
  • Content Script (Main)

    • Listen for messages originating from isolated content scripts using onMessage.
    • Send message to isolated content using sendMessage.
import { sendMessage, onMessage } from "@ext-browser/messaging/contentWindow";

// Listen for messages from isolated content scripts
onMessage("EVENT", (data) => {
    // Process the data or forward it to other components
    console.log("Received event from isolated script:", data);

document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", () => {
    sendMessage("popup", "BUTTON_CLICKED", { btn: "my-button" });

Security: Be mindful of security implications when relaying messages through the main content script. Ensure proper data validation and sanitization to prevent potential vulnerabilities.


Effortless Communication in Your Browser Extension







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