Ares-Red-Link is a high-performance software designed to simulate interplanetary communication between Mars and Earth, focusing on signal delay due to planetary motion and solar conjunctions. The project integrates multithreaded C++ networking, mutex-controlled data synchronization, automated build using Makefiles optimizing compilation and dependency management, and efficient event-driven transmission to handle real-time sensor data from a simulated Mars rover.
On the data engineering side, the system processes large-scale ephemeris datasets, optimizing storage and retrieval to compute planetary positions and light-speed communication delays efficiently with C++. It supports a structured ETL data pipeline, ingesting ephemeris data, computing delays and transmitting packets with realistic time offsets.
From a data analysis perspective, Ares-Red-Link utilizes Python for visualizing planetary motion, signal delay variations, and communication disruptions. The project derives insights into solar conjunction events, analyzing when and how communication blackouts occur due to the Sun obstructing Mars-Earth signals. By studying historical and simulated planetary ephemeris data, the system aids in optimizing deep-space network scheduling and mission planning for future Mars missions.
- Project Structure
- Mars-Earth Link Analysis
- Mars-Earth Communication of Rover Sensors Data with Signal Delay in Real-Time
-------------------source code-------------------
| | # Github README for documentaion
| |____ephemeris/ephemeris_data.h
| |____ephemeris/ephemeris_data.cpp # handling ephemeris loading & manipulation
| |____network/comms_manager.h
| |____network/comms_manager.cpp # handling earth-mars link communication signal delay and real-time
| |____mars-rover/rover.h
| |____mars-rover/rover.cpp # handling rover sensors data
| |____logger/logger.h
| |____logger/logger.cpp # logging for other modules
| |____main.cpp # 1st part mars-earth link flow
| | # 1st part ephemeris data scraper
| | # 1st part mars-earth link analysis
| | # 1st part mars-earth real-time link analysis
| |____mars_rover_sim.cpp # 2nd part sensors data thread udp client
| |____earth_receiver_sim.cpp # 2nd part sensors data udp server
In this part we investigate Mars-Earth communication link stability with respect to their relative distance with time and their coordinates with the Sun.
We use the ephemeris data available in the astropixels
, it has recorded historical data for planets in our solar system from 2011.
A geocentric ephemeris is a table that gives the celestial coordinates of an astronomical object over a range of times as seen from Earth's center.
We will be interested in the data window between 2020 to 2030.
Inside the root directory of the project a python script
which takes two arguments:
: can be planets or sunastro_object_name
: can be sun, mars, earth, .....year
, the year of which want to analyse
The link flow is developed purely in cpp
with a number of classes for scalability and readability.
For each year we do the following:
- Load ephemeris data for both mars and the sun with
- For each record
1. Compute 3D cartesian coordinates with
2. Compute angle between the Earth-Sun and Earth-Mars vectors to check for solar conjunction withCommsManager.computeMarsSunAngle()
3. Compute light speed signal delay withCommsManager.computeSignalDelay()
4. Log those records with few others tolink_data.csv
for analysis
Using the logged link_data.csv
from previous step and
python script we can now perform some analysis to answer the questions like:
- What's the minimum and maximum signal delay values?
- How the signal delay varies with time?
- When best to communicate with Mars?
- How often do we lose communication and solar conjunction happens?
- How Mars-Sun location with respect to Earth affects conjunction?
We can see that the
signal delay
-first plot- varies linearly with distance
-second plot- due to the fact that their relation is t=c/d
and c
is constant, so when the distance between mars and earth is small, minimum delay and when the distance is big, maximum delay.
The two graphs are linear except for some places where the signal delay is very high, this is when solar conjunction
happens -the sun is between earth and mars blocking the signal-, and we can confirm that with the third plot Mars-Sun-Angle
- close to 0 degrees: The Sun is between Earth and Mars (conjunction).
- close to 180 degrees: Mars is between Earth and the Sun (opposition).
It happens roughly every two years duo to the fact that Mars takes almost twice the time the Earth takes to make one orbit around the sun, and conjunction lasts for periods roughly two weeks.
We can also deduce the solar conjunction from the 3D cartesian coordinates plot
At the far right and left where Mars and the Sun orbits meets conjunction and opposition happens, and those two link with the above third subplot.
Link Flow ->
make clean
script after ./signal_delay
finishes writing the csv file
Link Analysis ->
script on the other hand will recive udp packets sent from the ./signal_delay
in real time to construct the gif.
In this part we simulate sending data from Mars to Earth with the calculated light speed signal delay in real-time, the source sensors data frequency is each one second, and we send this data each one second too.
If a delay is 120s
, data from T=0s
is sent at T=120s
, data from T=1s
is sent at T=121s
, and so on.
This data from mars is taken from The Planetary Atmospheres Node (ATM) of the Planetary Data System (PDS)
Two essential components are used here:
communication (simulating the Mars-Earth two ends)Multi-threading
in Mars side to account for the light speed signal delay in real-time data sending
We send the rover sensors data here, we use the same two EphemerisData
and CommsManager
classes to calculate the light speed signal delay for the current day.
One more function delayedTransmitter
is added to the CommsManager
class to send the data with UDP
, it runs in a separate thread and accounts for the signal delay.
while (true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
queueCond.wait(lock, [] { return !sensorsDataQueue.empty(); });
if (!sensorsDataQueue.empty()) {
DataPacket packet = sensorsDataQueue.front();
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (now >= packet.sendTime) {
sendto(sock,,, 0,
(struct sockaddr*)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr));
} else {
queueCond.wait_until(lock, packet.sendTime);
It checks the queue without blocking and sends each packet at the exact scheduled time when a queueCond.notify_one()
is called in the main flow.
In earth_receiver_sim.cpp
We receive the sent sensors data by Mars, Earth side is the server
side here and Mars
is the client
side in UDP
If we look closely, we will find that the first pushed record to the queue is at 06:18:11
(Mars-side) and the first arrived record (Earth-side) is at 06:18:16
which is exactly after 5 seconds
(the signal delay), second record is sent at 06:18:12
and arrived at 06:18:17
, and so on......