This repository contains a set of motion planners for robotic arms that use the SBPL planning library.
Get the code:
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
Build everything:
rosmake sbpl_arm_planner_test
Bring up a roscore & rviz (I do it seperatly, you don't have to)
Terminal 1: roscore Terminal 2: rosrun rviz rviz
In rviz: a) Set Fixed Frame: base_footprint b) Add display for visualization_markers
3a) This is a temporary hack required to deal with a temporarily hardcoded path:
roscd sbpl_arm_planner
cp config/pr2.mprim /tmp
Plan for the PR2:
roslaunch sbpl_arm_planner_test goal_pr2.launch
If the plan was successful, you should see:
1) Collision model of the robot 2) Trajectory of the arm 3) Tabletop (arm is moving around) 4) Bounds of the environment