is available as a conda package. If you have conda
or mamba
installed, you can easily create a new environment and install Captus
with all dependencies using the following command:
conda create -n captus -c bioconda -c conda-forge captus
One of the builds of the latest version of MEGAHIT
(v1.2.9) on Bioconda
is broken. To ensure you install a functional one, please specify the build number as follows:
conda create -n captus -c bioconda -c conda-forge captus megahit=1.2.9=hfbae3c0_0
For Mac computers with Apple silicon (M processors), you can use the following conda
(or mamba
) command:
conda create --platform osx-64 -n captus -c bioconda -c conda-forge captus megahit=1.2.9=hfbae3c0_0 mmseqs2=15.6f452
Check that Captus
was correctly installed:
conda activate captus
captus -h
If the program was correctly installed, you will see the following help message:
usage: captus command [options]
Captus 1.1.0: Assembly of Phylogenomic Datasets from High-Throughput Sequencing data
Captus-assembly commands:
command Program commands (in typical order of execution)
clean = Trim adaptors and quality filter reads with BBTools,
run FastQC on the raw and cleaned reads
assemble = Perform de novo assembly with MEGAHIT and estimate
contig depth of coverage with Salmon: Assembling
reads that were cleaned with the 'clean' command is
recommended, but reads cleaned elsewhere are also
extract = Recover targeted markers with BLAT and Scipio:
Extracting markers from the assembly obtained with
the 'assemble' command is recommended, but any other
assemblies in FASTA format are also allowed
align = Align extracted markers across samples with MAFFT or
MUSCLE: Marker alignment depends on the directory
structure created by the 'extract' command. This step
also performs paralog filtering and alignment trimming
using ClipKIT
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--version Show Captus' version number
For help on a particular command: captus_assembly command -h
If you are unable to use conda
for any reason, you will need to install all dependencies manually. Please refer to the documentation for details.
Documentation and tutorials are available at
Since v1.0.1, Captus
supports the use of any BUSCO lineage dataset as reference targets for extraction. Just download one of the .tar.gz
files from and provide the path to captus extract
For example:
captus extract -a 02_assemblies -n ~/Downloads/aves_odb10.2021-02-19.tar.gz
Ortiz, E.M., A. Höwener, G. Shigita, M. Raza, O. Maurin, A. Zuntini, F. Forest, W.J. Baker, H. Schaefer. (2023). A novel phylogenomics pipeline reveals complex pattern of reticulate evolution in Cucurbitales. bioRxiv