718 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- UIData: return static empty data model if value is null by @pizzi80 in #5304
- Fix #5308 ambiguous resolution during release of FacesContext when there is more than one implementation of FacesContext known to CDI in bean-discovery-mode=all state by @BalusC in #5309
- jakarta.faces.NUMBER_OF_CLIENT_WINDOWS was not considered as context param by @BalusC in #5293
- Mojarra fails to initialize when BDA is empty according to Weld by @BalusC in #5238
- More robust impl of "retargeted ajax behavior" as previous impl failed in nested composites by @BalusC in #5294
- RowIndex/DataModel of UIData doesn't need to be reset when broadcasted row index and current row index are both -1; noticed same thing on UIRepeat as well so also improved over there by @BalusC in #5287
- Fix javadoc errors on #5032 (com.sun.faces.* is also checked in 4.0) by @BalusC in #5310
- Fixed regression error which caused spec1567IT to fail; the composite instance is needed further down in ComponentNotFoundException block by @BalusC in #5311
- Fix #1567 <f:ajax> execute="@this" and render="@this" does not behave as expected when nested in composite component by @BalusC in #5312
Full Changelog: 4.0.3-RELEASE...4.0.4-RELEASE