Jspreadsheet CE is a lightweight Vanilla JavaScript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive HTML tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software. You can create an online spreadsheet table from a JS array, JSON, CSV or XSLX files. You can copy from excel and paste straight to your Jspreadsheet CE spreadsheet and vice versa. It is very easy to integrate any third party JavaScript plugins to create your own custom columns, custom editors, and customize any feature into your application. Jspreadsheet CE has plenty of different input options through its native column types to cover the most common web-based application requirements. It is a complete solution for web data management. Create amazing applications with Jspreadsheet CE JavaScript spreadsheet.
- Make rich and user-friendly web interfaces and applications.
- You can easily handle complicated data inputs in a way users are used..
- Improve your user software experience.
- Create rich CRUDS and beautiful UI.
- Compatibility with excel: users can move data around with common copy and paste shortcuts.
- Easy customizations with easy third-party plugin integrations.
- Lean, fast and simple to use.
- Thousands of successful user cases.
- Speed up your work dealing with difficult data entry in a web-based software.
A basic example to integrate the JavaScript spreadsheet in your website to create your first online spreadsheet. https://codepen.io/hchiam/pen/qBRzXKK
- Important: Please import jspreadsheet.css (jexcel.css is not longer available in this package).
- Please use Jsuites v4
- New mask system (https://jsfiddle.net/spreadsheet/vmjo34r8/)
Add this line to the package.json file
"dependencies": {
"jspreadsheet-ce": "git+https://github.com/eXamqle/jSpreadsheet-ce-Qubix-International.git"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/jspreadsheet-ce": "^4.7.3"
npm install
Download ZIP and and then use the files of dist
folder in your project (js library and css files)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v4/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://bossanova.uk/jspreadsheet/v4/jexcel.css" type="text/css" />
- jSuites CSS File: https://jsuites.net/v4/jsuites.css
- jExcel CSS File: https://bossanova.uk/jspreadsheet/v4/jexcel.css
"styles": [
"src/themes/jsuites.scss", <-- Rename .css to .scss
"src/themes/jexcel.scss" <-- Rename .css to .scss
Then initialize your table based on a div container, such as:
<div #spreadsheet></div>
To initialize a Jspreadsheet CE table you should run TypeScript, such as:
export class SpreadsheetComponent {
@ViewChild("spreadsheet") spreadsheet!: ElementRef;
title = "CodeSandbox";
ngAfterViewInit() {
jspreadsheet(this.spreadsheet.nativeElement, {
data: [[]],
columns: [
{ type: "dropdown", source: ["Y", "N"] },
{ type: "color", render: "square" }
minDimensions: [10, 10]
Jexcel has been renamed to Jspreadsheet
A special thank to the FDL - Fonds de Dotation du Libre support and sponsorship that make this version possible with so many nice features.
- Support workbooks/tabs
- Create a dymic jexcel table from a HTML static element
- Highlight the border from cells after CTRL+C
- Footer with formula support
- Multiple columns resize
- JSON update support (Helpers to update a remote server)
- Global super event (centralized method to dispatch all events in one)
- Custom helpers: =PROGRESS (progressbar), =RATING (5 star rating)
- Custom helpers: =COLUMN, =ROW, =CELL, =TABLE, =VALUE information to be used on formula execution
- Dynamic nested header updates
- A new column type for HTML editing
- New flags such as: includeHeadersOnCopy, persistance, filters, autoCasting, freezeColumns
- New events such as: onevent, onchangepage, onbeforesave, onsave
- More examples and documentation
Jspreadsheet CE is released under the [MIT license]. Contact [email protected]