Releases: e3rd/zim-plugin-instantsearch
Zim 0.75 support
- part of the query might be divided between the page name and the page contents search #45
- search state is remembered (Ctrl+E will show last results)
- license info
- fix: open_when_unique parameter would not make the dialog re-close immediately any more
- fix: notebook located at the Windows drive root
Zim 0.74 support
1.2.1 Zim 0.74 support #47
Python 3.6
1.2 fixed title search ('!t' would not match 'Other:Test' since 't' was i…
last Python3.5-
Later version will be available with Python3.6+ only.
0.68 compatible
Merge pull request #31 from jtherrmann/master New config options, Tab and Shift+Tab for moving caret
Titles first
Since I made changes in this commit, the searching become even more smooth for me. The page titles are given the priority now to be ordered in the beginning.
History excluded.
Traversing the search results shouldnt fullfill your Zim history now ;)
v1.01: #13
many bug fixes, plugin is more reliable
Instant search for Zim
For first few keystrokes, there is ultraquick search in page titles and then a reliable internal zim search is processed.
Changelog v1.0:
* more reliable search (less bugs)
* if I write "linux", the search for "linux" ends first, and than for "linu", "lin" in the background
* if I write "linu" and then "linux", the results are updated only, they are not cleared.
* if I write "linux" and then I paste from clipboard word "liposuction", the results are updated only, not cleared. So that if there is a page with both words "linux" and "liposuction", the page doesn't vanish for a while from menu. You wouldn't say you need this feature but I am convinced that if it disappeared, you would be confused and disappointed.
* if the searched string occures only in the page title and the only as one of the parent names, the results gets omitted. It's useful. When I search for "linux", I want to see page "os:linux", but not "os:linux:technologies:mydisk:foo:bar".
* While traversing the results by arrows, the page is displayed with tiny delay so that you can quickly traverse all the list.