Open source OCPP charge station simulator with OCPP 1.6 and 2.0.1 support.
- Basic web UI
- Basic connectivity & heartbeats
- Settings UI
- Allow Settings and Configuration via URL params
- API Documentation
- Support for BootNotification
- Basic charge session simulation
- Terminal scrolling
- OCPP Command drill-down
- OCPP Command summary
- Visual indicator that charging is happening
- Make GetConfiguration and ChangeConfiguration work
- Support for using two connectors
- Support for Remote Start/Stop
- Run any OCPP command
- Auto start session via parameters
- Visual progress bar on car state of charge
- Support for authorization
- Terminate session on disconnect
- Simulate being offline (and buffering commands)
- Time travel
- OCPP 2.1 Support
- Animation for plugging in cable
- Animation for cars
- Animation for connectivity on the station
- Tweak UI for big screens
- Tweak responsiveness for mobile
- Configure dependencieswebpack.config.js
- Bundling and build configuration.env
- Enviroment variablessrc/components
- Home of reuseable componentssrc/utils
- Home of specific JS helper utilitiessrc/index.html
- Main entrypoint into App UI (Webpack injected)serve/static.js
- Static serverserve/dev.js
- Static server for developmentdist/*
- Files generated by webpack, incuding index.html. These are the assets that should be HTTP served
Ensure Node.js version uniformity using Volta:
curl -sSLf | bash
Install dependencies: (will install correct Node.js version)
yarn install
The following command serves all HTML/JS/CSS and watches all changes to
yarn start
UI is running at http://localhost:2100/
All configuration is done using environment variables. The default values in
can be overwritten using environment variables.
- Host to bind to, defaults to""
- Port to bind to, defaults to2300
- Basic Auth: Path to protectHTTP_BASIC_AUTH_USER
- Basic Auth: UsernameHTTP_BASIC_AUTH_PASS
- Basic Auth: PasswordENV_NAME
- Node environmentdevelopment
- Default product name to be used in viewsAPI_URL
- URL for API defaults tohttp://localhost:2300
- Sentry error monitoring credentials
All config vars are available in the serve/dev.js
and serve/static.js
server-side code. In the browser-side all variables are available as a global
object window.__env_conf