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Protobuf API definitions for VML


  • cd into the cloned vmlapis directory
  • Run docker on your computer
  • Have buf installed
  • Have buf account
  • Have buf token generated and set as environment variable named BUF_TOKEN export BUF_TOKEN=<your_token>
brew install bufbuild/buf/buf

Code generation

Generation is done with a dockerfile (docker command is included in the makefile). Just run:


Adding new service

If you added new file with service to the proto-definitions. Add it to the Makefile. Search:

	buf build proto -o gen/descriptor.bin \

Linting and breaking changes

The files in the proto/ directory are automatically formatted by the Buf's linter.

Code is checked for breaking changes against the master branch. If generation fails at the buf breaking command during the make process, follow the instructions from the output to make the new code backwards-compatible.

⚠️ If you're getting breaking-changes in dependencies: We're currently using quite strict breaking-changes check and it can happen that Buf will complain about a dependency introducing breaking-changes into our code. Use common sense here, based on the check's error messages. If it's an acceptable "breaking change" just comment out the buf breaking proto line in the Makefile, re-generate the code, and de-comment the line again (so the check will run again next time, skipping the current version).

Updating dependecies

Dependencies are currently updated manually. They should be be updated periodically when new changes are rolled out with newer versions of vml-apis. To update them:

  • Remote dependencies - Run buf mod update proto in the cloned vmlapis directory. This will update the buf.lock file and download the newest version of the remote dependencies.
  • Local dependencies - You need to copy the new .proto files into the /deps directory. You'll find the newer files in the respective github repositories or documentation of the dependency provider.

After that, re-generate the code again.


In the examples directory you can find examples of how to use the generated code. You can find in-depth documentation here


We're currently publishing packages for Python and Java(Maven) to Artifact Registry and NuGet package to under the VMLAssets organization.