This project is a CLI based on MERN for processing Github repositories (both public and private) and check the current version of one or multiple dependency passed in the CLI and returning the result
- Use of streams which makes the processing way faster
- Works on both public and private repositories
- Can pass multiple arguments to test the versions of the dependencies
- As it is modular, it is scalable
The stack used in the project are:
- Node Js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express Js - fast node.js network app framework [@tjholowaychuk]
This project requires Node.js v10+ to run.
nvm install node
Firstly, download the file from the '/Code' folder of the submitted google Drive.
Open a terminal at the downloaded location and run the following command to install all the depenencies:
npm i
npm install
Add the .csv file to the location:
NOTE: Github deletes Personal access tokens on pushing it to github
- Create a Personal access token from Github(You can find a tutorial here) and add it to the 'TOKEN' variable in:
- Now that the dependencies are ready, start execution(for mac and linux) by:
verck <filename.csv> <dependency>@<version>
- Now that the dependencies are ready, start execution(for windows) by:
node index.js <filename.csv> <dependency>@<version>
- The output folders are found in directory:
The csv file is read and parsed for the repository link
Now, we create a custom URL for API request to Github with token access
The package.json is fetched from Github of the specified Repository and the dependencies are accessed
Now the Version comparision takes place
The final results are written in a .csv file in:
S. Kowshal [email protected] 7200088893 Vellore Instutite of Technology