A command line tool to manage dependency versions.
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Submission for Dyte Internship shortlisting. Works on macOS/Linux.
To run this tool on your system locally, follow the installation steps.
Make sure you upgrade pip
before moving on.
All the required dependencies are in requirements.txt
which would be installed at the time of running the setup.
pip install --upgrade pip
Download the repository as zip. Unzip.
Put your GitHub Access Token in github_token.py in the variable token
cd to the repository folder
Run this command
python3 setup.py install
---> I have packaged the CLI tool. The name of the console script is dependency. So that it can run directly from the keyword dependency. It will invoke the main method of the main module in the dyteproject package. For help, run the below command:
dependency -h
Usage example#1
dependency -i /Users/prakhar/downloads/input.csv axios 0.23.0
Usage example#2
dependency -i /Users/prakhar/downloads/input.csv eslint 7.32.0
---> The tool returns the list in the format as shown below
---> The same is stored in the CSV file used for input
For more examples, please refer to the Documentation
- Integrate -update feature. (Unable to complete because of time limit)
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Your Name - @prakhar16072002 - [email protected]
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/prakhar-sharma-2020/
Github Link: https://github.com/PS1607
Google Developer: https://g.dev/ps1607