Increased resiliency to poisoning
released this
13 Dec 23:16
[Code ][Diff ]
(PR#5469 ) Bug: Make subarray
a bit more resilient to poisoning
(PR#5468 ) Bug: Make stringify
a bit more resilient to poisoning
(PR#5515 ) Bug: Make depth retrieval more resilient to poisoning
(PR#5516 ) Bug: Make mapToConstant
a bit more resilient to poisoning
(PR#5517 ) Bug: Make run details printer a bit more resilient to poisoning
(PR#5518 ) Bug: Make gen
a bit more resilient to poisoning
(PR#5456 ) CI: Allow Bluesky calls from the blog
(PR#5457 ) CI: Add Bluesky CDN as trustable source for images
(PR#5410 ) Doc: Release note for 3.23.0
(PR#5413 ) Doc: Update social links on footer
(PR#5414 ) Doc: Drop Twitter badge from README
(PR#5415 ) Doc: Add link to bluesky account in the header of the doc
(PR#5453 ) Doc: AdventOfPBT event Day 1
(PR#5454 ) Doc: Saving Christmas with nroken playground
(PR#5455 ) Doc: Add links towards Bluesky from the AdventOfPBT
(PR#5460 ) Doc: Advent Of PBT, day 2
(PR#5461 ) Doc: Add linkt towards Bluesky comments
(PR#5464 ) Doc: Add quick code snippet directly from the documentation
(PR#5465 ) Doc: Quick CTA to our Advent of PBT event
(PR#5467 ) Doc: Single line success message for the Advent of PBT
(PR#5470 ) Doc: Notify account
(PR#5471 ) Doc: Advent of PBT, day 3
(PR#5472 ) Doc: Add comments section on Advent of PBT, Day 3
(PR#5474 ) Doc: Advent of PBT, day 4
(PR#5477 ) Doc: Add comments section on Advent of PBT, Day 4
(PR#5479 ) Doc: Advent of PBT Day 5
(PR#5480 ) Doc: Advent of PBT Day 5, link to comments on Bluesky
(PR#5481 ) Doc: Do not send new success pixels when advent solved once
(PR#5482 ) Doc: Add a counter showing the number of times the puzzle got solved
(PR#5489 ) Doc: Advent Of PBT, Day 6
(PR#5490 ) Doc: Advent of PBT, comments on Day 6
(PR#5493 ) Doc: Fix playground code of Day 6
(PR#5495 ) Doc: Advent of PBT Day 7
(PR#5496 ) Doc: Advent of PBT Day 7, comments section
(PR#5497 ) Doc: Advent of PBT Day 8
(PR#5498 ) Doc: Advent of PBT Day 8, comments section
(PR#5501 ) Doc: Drop buggy "solved times" at the end of each advent
(PR#5500 ) Doc: Advent of PBT Day 9
(PR#5503 ) Doc: Add back buggy "solved times" at the end of each advent
(PR#5505 ) Doc: Advent of PBT Day 10
(PR#5510 ) Doc: Advent Of PBT Day 10, comments section
(PR#5508 ) Doc: Advent Of PBT Day 11
(PR#5507 ) Doc: Advent Of PBT Day 12
(PR#5509 ) Doc: Advent Of PBT Day 13
(PR#5523 ) Doc: Advent of PBT add comments sections on days 11 to 13
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