Extracts coordinates of bombsites from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive demos. Designed for use with drweissbrot/csgo-hud.
Clone and install dependencies via Yarn.
Then, get a CS:GO demo and run
node app.js /path/to/demo.dem
This will result in something like this
de_overpass: {
a: [
{ x: -2136, y: 662, z: 502 },
{ x: -2601, y: 351, z: 471 },
{ x: -1671, y: 973, z: 533 }
b: [
{ x: -1104, y: 64, z: 104 },
{ x: -1249, y: -97, z: 79 },
{ x: -959, y: 225, z: 129 }
The coordinates are (in order): the center of the bombsite, the minimum, and the maximum vectors. Note that on some maps there may be valid planting positions outside of the minimum and maximum vectors.
If used for csgo-hud, you can paste the output (almost) verbatim into src/renderer/bombsites.js.