Adds License (MIT) file (closes #271 )
Make Model.get respect Model autoFetch default value (#277 )
Changes the way ":" is added to sqlite db paths (#270 )
Fixes duplicated debug lines for postgres (#258 )
Fixes not saving associations if no changes (other than associations) are made (#256 )
Fixes autoFetch being discarded in Model.get options (closes #266 )
Adds beforeDefine to plugins (#263 )
Allows user to pass an object to extendsTo.setAccessor instead of an instance (detected via #250 )
Changes autoFetch to avoid autofetching if instance is not saved (it's new!) (#242 )
Changes validations and predefined validators to use [email protected]
Adds support for setting properties.association_key to be a function (name, field)
Passes connection settings to database drivers
Creates initial mongodb driver and 'mongo' driver alias
Allow querying chainfind with sql conditions
Allow passing extra options to extended models
Allow big text fields
Allow before* hooks to modify the instance
Fixes #226 - hasOne delAccessor not working
Adds Utilities.getRealPath to look for the real path to load based on the file where it was called from (for db.load and db.use)
Fixes Model.aggregate().call() to accept no arguments except function name
Fix problem with extendsTo and custom key types
Better association typing and multikey support
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