This script is a PHP class that reads a CSV file and inserts the data into a MySQL database. It also includes functionality to create the users table in the database.
- PHP 7.4 or higher
- MySQL 5.7 or higher
To use the script, simply run it with the appropriate options:
php user_upload.php [options]
The available options are:
- '--file [csv file name]': Specify the CSV file to be parsed. This is a required option.
- '--create_table': Build the MySQL users table and exit.
- '--help': Show this help message and exit.
- '--dry_run': Parse the CSV file but do not insert into the database.
- '-u [MySQL username]': MySQL username (default: root).
- '-p [MySQL password]': MySQL password (default: root).
- '-h [MySQL host]': MySQL host (default: localhost).
- '-d [MySQL db name]': MySQL db name (default: database_name).
The script defines a user_upload class that handles the following tasks:
- Connects to the MySQL database using the provided credentials.
- If the --create_table option is provided, drops and recreates the users table.
- Parses the CSV file and inserts the data into the users table.
The users table has the following schema:
- id: an auto-incrementing primary key.
- name: a required varchar(50) field.
- surname: a required varchar(50) field.
- email: a required unique varchar(100) field.
The script uses the getopt function to parse the command-line options. It also includes a printHelp function that displays the usage message.
This script will do the following:
- Output the numbers from 1 to 100
- Where the number is divisible by three (3) output the word “foo”
- Where the number is divisible by five (5) output the word “bar”
- Where the number is divisible by three (3) and (5) output the word “foobar”
- Only be a single PHP file
- PHP 7.4 or higher
To use the script, simply execute the php file.
php foobar.php
This script will validate the correct output for foobar.php
- PHP 7.4 or higher
- PHPUnit
To install PHPUnit and its dependencies, including PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase, you'll need to use Composer, which is a dependency manager for PHP. Follow these steps to install PHPUnit:
Install Composer: If you haven't already installed Composer, you can do so by following the instructions on the official Composer website:
Create a composer.json file: Create a file named composer.json in your project directory and add the following content:
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "^9.0"
This specifies that PHPUnit is a development dependency for your project.
- Run Composer install: Open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to your project directory where the composer.json file is located, and run the following command:
composer install
This will download and install PHPUnit and its dependencies, including PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase.
You can run these tests by executing PHPUnit from the command line:
phpunit FooBarText.php
If PHPUnit is not available in your system path, you may need to execute the following:
php vendor/bin/phpunit FooBarTest.php