Bootstrap utility classes for quickly adding padding and margin spacing. Ideal for Boostrap 3 media queries
This modular based css class system is to be used in conjunction with any html structure. Works well if you understand the bootstrap column naming convention. For instance, xs = extra small, s = small, m = medium, l = large. Built with Bootstrap's native media queries.
xs = extra small
s = small
m = medium
l = large
p = padding
m = margin
t = top
l = left
b = bottom
r = right
5px - 100px sizing
Apply these classes to your html to quickly add additional margin or padding space. Classes are as follows:
Example: .xs-ml-10 = margin of 10px applied to the left of any element on a mobile device
Example: .sm-mr-20 = margin of 20px applied to the right of any element on a tablet device
$ npm install ez-space-css-repo
Created by David Manzer 2016