Author: Senthilkumar Kailasam
Date: Feb 2018
- Here I will go through the steps involved in installing amber16 + Ambertools 17 in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with cuda 9.0 and nvidia-driver-390
Note:If you don't have a GPU card you can skip the steps involving CUDA and NVIDIA-DRIVER
- Assuming its a fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
### commands to install packages in ubuntu box as a root user.
apt-get install aptitude
aptitude install vim csh flex patch gfortran g++ make xorg-dev bison libbz2-dev
### Parallel MPI packages
aptitude install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev
### Python packages
aptitude install python-numpy python-matplotlib python-scipy ipython python-notebook cython python-dev python-pip
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS comes with GCC 7 and AMBER16 requires GCC 6.
### GCC6 installation
aptitude install gcc-6 g++-6 gfortran-6
#### create Symbolic Links in /usr/bin
rm -f gcc gcc-ar gcc-nm gcc-ranlin g++ gfortran
ln -s gcc-6 gcc
ln -s gcc-ar-6 gcc-ar
ln -s gcc-nm-6 gcc-nm
ln -s gcc-ranlib-6 gcc-ranlib
ln -s g++-6 g++
ln -s /usr/bin/gfortran-6 /usr/bin/gfortran
- Download parallel-netcdf-1.9.0
### Install netcdf
## go to netcdf folder followed by make and make install
cd parallel-netcdf-1.9.0/
make install
- Assuming that the NVIDIA DRIVER installation went well! If not see that instruction at Step 6
- Download from NVIDIA website.
### On the terminal , install cuda
### add lines to
echo "include /usr/local/cuda-9.0/lib64" >> /etc/
### run ldconfig
### Add PATH and environment updates to ~/.bashrc file and source
export PATH="/usr/software/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"
test -f /usr/software/amber16/ && source /usr/software/amber16/
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.0/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}export
source ~/.bashrc
- Download AMBER with license purchase at
- Download AmberTools17 from
### Steps on the terminal
### Steps to compile the serial verison assuming my files are in tmp folder.
tar xvvf /tmp/Amber16.tar.bz2
tar xvvf /tmp/AmberTools17.tar.bz2
cd /usr/software/amber16
./configure gnu
make install
### Steps to compile the parallel verison with NETCDF capabilities
./configure -mpi --with-pnetcdf /usr/software/parallel-netcdf gnu
make install
#### Steps to compile serial cuda enabled amber
./configure -cuda gnu
make install
#### Steps to compile parallel+netcdf+cuda enabled amber
./configure -mpi -cuda --with-pnetcdf /usr/soft/parallel-netcdf gnu
make install
I followed the instruction given at
### Clean the system of other Nvidia drivers
aptitude purge nvidia*
### check the latest driver version for our Nvidia GPU
using link
### Add the Nvidia graphic card PPA
add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers
### Prepare the system for the installation
aptitude update
### Install the Nvidia GPU driver
aptitude install nvidia-driver-390
#### Verify Nvidia Driver installation
lsmod | grep nvidia